@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010170, author = {辻森, 樹 and 石渡, 明 and 坂野, 昇平}, issue = {5}, journal = {地質学雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {蓮華変成帯, 新潟県青海町上路(あげろ)地区湯ノ谷にエクロジャイト質藍閃石片岩が産する.この岩石は主として藍閃石(37%), ざくろ石(21%), オンファス輝石(19%), 緑れん石(19%)と少量の石英, 曹長石, フェンジャイト, 緑泥石, ルチル, チタン石から構成される.エクロジャイト相鉱物組み合わせ 'ざくろ石+オンファス輝石+藍閃石+緑れん石+石英+ルチル' はマトリクスの片理(S_1)を構成し, わずかに二次的な緑泥石, 曹長石, 方解石に置換され, S_1片理形成以前の緑れん石青色片岩相の鉱物組み合わせ '藍閃石+緑れん石+チタン石+石英+曹長石' の包有物列(S_0)がざくろ石のコアに観察される.蓮華変成帯では, これまでにも残存エクロジャイト相鉱物の報告はあったが, 今回, 岩石組織と鉱物化学組成・累帯構造から, 初めて, 緑れん石青色片岩相からエクロジャイト相への累進変成作用を読みとることができた. Eclogitic glaucophane schist occurs as a boulder (about 4 m diameter) among many other garnet glaucophane schist and epidote glaucophane schist of the late Paleozoic Renge metamorphic belt in the Yunotani valley, western Omi area. The eclogitic glaucophane schist forms a mafic layer (1.2 m wide) intercalated within pelitic schist (garnet-paragonite-phengite schist). It consists mainly of glaucophane (modal volume : 37%), garnet (21%), omphacite (19%), epidote (19%), and small amount of quartz, albite, phengite, chlorite, rutile and titanite. The eclogite facies mineral assemblage 'garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+epidote+rutile+quartz' is slightly replaced by secondary chlorite, albite, calcite and rarely actinolite, and form penetrative schistosity (S_1). The preceding epidote blueschist facies mineral inclusions 'glaucophane+epidote+titanite+quartz+albite' forming earlier schistosity (S_0) are preserved in the rotated garnet core. These petrographic features show progressive transition from the epidote blueschist facies to the eclogite facies with little retrogression. Although the relict eclogite facies minerals have been previously found in some retrogressive Renge metamorphic rocks, the Yunotani eclogitic glaucophane schist first provides evidences for the progressive P-T path leading to the eclogite facies., 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科}, pages = {353--362}, title = {西南日本内帯蓮華変成帯,青海町湯ノ谷のエクロジャイト質藍閃石片岩について}, volume = {106}, year = {2000} }