@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010642, author = {牧, 輝弥 and 福島, 理英 and 小林, 史尚 and 山田, 丸 and 長谷川, 浩 and 岩坂, 泰信}, issue = {12}, journal = {分析化学 = BUNSEKI KAGAKU}, month = {Jan}, note = {近年,黄砂や汚染大気と挙動をともにするカビや細菌(黄砂バイオエアロゾル)にも強い関心が寄せられ,そのヒト健康や環境生態系への影響が危惧される.しかし,大気に含まれる微生物群を定性定量する十分な分析手法は確立されておらず,大気中での微生物の動態には不明な点が多い.本研究では,大型の黄砂が見られた2011年5月上旬に,石川県金沢大学のテラス(高度10 m)において,大気試料を採取し,16S rDNAクローン解析によって細菌種組成を調べ,蛍光顕微鏡観察を用いた直接計数法によって細菌細胞濃度を定量した.黄砂現象中盤では,Bacillus属の細菌種が優占し,黄砂発生地(タクラマカン砂漠)で検出された種と近縁になった.黄砂初期と終盤には,海洋に生息する細菌種が多く検出され,黄砂と混合した日本海の海水に起因すると推察できる.蛍光顕微鏡観察での計数では,細菌細胞濃度は黄砂時に100倍に増え,特に,黄砂発生時には海洋由来のグラム陰性細菌も風送され,全細菌数の40% を占めることが分かった. Microbial communities transported by Asian desert dust (KOSA) events have attracted much attention as bioaerosols, because the transported microorganisms are thought to influence biological ecosystems, and human life as well as atmospheric processes in downwind areas. However, the microbial dynamics in Japan during a KOSA dust event are unclear. In this study, sequential air sampling was performed on the top of a building (10 m altitude) within the KOSA arrival area (Kanazawa City, Japan: 36.6°N, 136.7°E) from May 1 to May 7, 2013, when a dust event occurred. A 16S rDNA clone library prepared from air samples mainly belonged to three phyla, such as Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, and Alpha-proteobacteria. Some clones of Firmicutes appeared specifically during the midst of a dust event, and consisted primarily of Bacillus subtilis and B. pumilus, which are known to dominantly inhabit atmospheric area in the KOSA source area (Chinese desert). The clones belonging to Cyanobacteria and Alpha-proteobacteria were mainly detected at the initial and last periods of dust events; they are relatives to marine bacterial species. Our results suggest that airborne bacterial communities on the surface of ground during a dust event are composed of terrestrial and pelagic bacterial populations, and that the dust event influences the dynamics of airborne bacterial communities on the ground surface of a downwind area.}, pages = {1095--1104}, title = {大気中を風送される細菌叢の16S rDNA-クローンライブラリー解析}, volume = {62}, year = {2013} }