@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013001, author = {奈良, 勲 and 洲崎, 俊男 and 濱出, 茂治 and 浅井, 仁 and 小堀, 泰生 and 灰田, 信英}, issue = {3}, journal = {理学療法学}, month = {May}, note = {主に理学療法学科学生の学業成績の傾向, 及びそれと入試成績との関連を知る目的で本学の学生の成績を検索し以下の結果を得た。1. 各期生の学業成績の傾向は酷似しており, 教養, 臨床実習のGPA (Grade Point Average)は良, 専門のGPAは良に近い可であった。2. 各期生の3分野の相関では専門-臨床実習が最高で, 次いで専門-教養, 教養-臨床実習となった。3. 各期生の入試成績と学業成績の関係ではA, Dランクで一致していたが, B, Cランクでは順位が逆転していた。隣接ランクおよび1つ間隔を置いたランクでの有意差は認めなかったが, A, Dランクの間で有意差を認めた。4. 男女学生間の学業成績に有意差は認めなかったが, 順調群と留年群には有意差を認めた。 The major objectives of this study were to learn the current trend in the level of student academic achievement and to see if there is any correlation between the level of academic achievement and that of entrance examination scores at the Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Medical Professions, Kanazawa University. We investigated the academic records of 58 graduates of our school for the past three years. We examined academic performance in three categories based on grade point average : 1) general studies, 2) speciality, including basic science, clinical medicine and physical therapy, and 3) clinical practice. To determine any correlation between the level of achievement and that of entrance examination scores, we classified the subjects into four ranks according to their scores on the entrance examination, which we then examined statistically. The trend in the level of academic achievement in all three categories was very similar in each graduate year. The mean grade point average in general studies and clinical practice ranged from 3.00 to 3.28. However, the mean grade point average for speciality ranged from 2.81 to 2.94. A correlation between scores on the entrance examination and the level of academic achievement was seen among A and D ranks (p<0.05), but not in other ranks. There was no significant difference in the level of academic achievement between male and female graduates ; but there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the graduates who advanced each school year as usual, and the graduates who did not advance each school year as they should have., 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科活動能力回復学}, pages = {235--238}, title = {理学療法学科学生の学業成績に関する研究}, volume = {15}, year = {1988} }