@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013018, author = {荻原, 新八郎 and 荻原, サンドラ and 平谷, 美智夫 and 武藤, 一彦 and 大友, 順一}, issue = {1}, journal = {理学療法学}, month = {Feb}, note = {『親と子の喘息教室』は小児科医, 看護婦, 理学療法士, その他の職員が協力して昭和57年以来春秋に一回づつ国立療養所医王病院で開かれている。この教室の効果を確かめるために参加者にアンケート調査を行った。それによれば参加した大多数の患者に於いて喘息発作の頻度が低くなり, 運動一特に体育の授業や水泳一にも積極的に参加し, これにより精神的にも自信がつき, 親も気管支喘息の対処法を活用できるようになった。理学療法士の役割, 即ち呼吸コントロール, 発作時にとる姿勢, 体位排痰法, 鼻をよくかむこと等の指導がこの教室の重要な一部であることもこの調査結果が示している。理学療法士はこのような教室へ『教育者』としても参加し, 喘息管理の一部を担うのである。加えて, 運動誘発性喘息の恐れ, 過保護, その他による低体力の患児に対しては病院の理学療法部で運動耐容能増大訓練を計画し,定期的に実施することが望ましい。このようにして初めて気管支喘息の治療・管理が『包括的』だと言えよう。 The children's asthma class has been in existence since 1982. It is held every spring and autumn at Ioh National Infirmary in Kanazawa, Japan, with the cooperation of paediatricians, nurses, physiotherapists, and a physical education teacher. In order to Investigate the efficacy of the class a survey was carried out. It was found, according to the respondents' replies, that the frequency of asthmatic attacks decreascd in the majority of the children, and participation in sports or physical activities-especially the physical education class at school and swimming-became regular. In addition, the children bccame more confident and outgoing, and the parents' knowledge and efficiency in managing their children during asthmatic attacks impreved. The expertise of the physiotherapists in instructing breathing control, positions for relaxation, blowing the nose, and postural drainage formed an integral part of the class. It should, however, be considered that the subjective improvement of the bronchial asthma must be the result of the interaction of modalities offered by each disciplinc. It is recommended that physiotherapists should get involved in the management of bronchial asthma as educators as well as therapists with the establishment of an exereise tolerance training programme in a physiotherapy department. Thus, those children with bronchial asthma whose physical fitness is low would readily be referred to it by the physicians., 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科活動能力回復学}, pages = {29--36}, title = {『親と子の喘息教室』の効果 : アンケート調査より}, volume = {12}, year = {1985} }