@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013187, author = {木下, 敬弘 and 太田, 安彦 and 平能, 康充 and 渡邊, 俊一 and 小田, 誠 and 村上, 眞也 and 渡邊, 洋宇}, issue = {16}, journal = {日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {症例は56歳, 女性, 健診にて左下肺野の異常影を指摘された.胸部CTにて肺動静脈瘻が疑われ入院となった.肺動脈造影にて左下葉の動静脈瘻は最大径60mm, 流入血管径が8mmと大きいため経皮的カテーテル塞栓術(以下:TAE)は不可能と判断された.また同時に右下葉にも最大径10mmの動静脈瘻を認めたため, これに対してはTAEを施行した.左側の動静脈瘻に対して開胸下に瘻切除術を施行した. A 56-year-woman was admittedd to the hospital with an abnormal shadow in the left lower lung field on chest X-ray film. The findings on chest CT examination suggested a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. Left pulmonary arteriogram showed a large fistula (60 mm) with feeding vessels of 8mm in diameter in the left lower lobe. It seemed to be impossible to perform embolization because of the size of fistula and its feeding vessels. Right pulmonary arteriogram at the same time revealed a small fistula of 10mm in diameter in the right lower lobe, which was treated by embolization. The fistula of the left lung was resected on thoracotomy., 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科血管病態制御学}, pages = {740--743}, title = {経皮的カレーテル塞栓術と外科的切除の併用による両側性多発性肺動静脈瘻の1治験例}, volume = {13}, year = {1999} }