@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013256, author = {丹保, 裕一 and 北, 俊之 and 木部, 佳紀 and 笠原, 寿郎 and 藤村, 政樹 and 中尾, 眞二}, issue = {2}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer = 肺癌}, month = {Apr}, note = {Background. Pseudomesotheliomatous carcinoma of the lung (PMCL) is characterized by diffuse progression along visceral pleura, and has been confirmed histologically as a peripheral lung cancer. We report our experience of an autopsy case of PMCL. Case. A 71 year-old Japanese man presented with right chest pain and dyspnea in May 2003. A chest X ray film showed right massive pleural effusion. Adenocarcinoma was detected from pleural effusion and we diagnosed lung cancer (cT4N3M0 stage IIIB) by other detailed examinations. Although we attempted many different kinds of chemotherapies after insertion of a chest drainage tube in the right pleural space, he died 16 months after the diagnosis. At autopsy, no primary lesion was detected in the right lung, but the entire right lung was enclosed with thickened visceral pleura. Cancer tissue was detected along the pleura. Immunohistological examinations showed positive results for CEA and TTF-1, but negative for calretinin, so we finally diagnosed PMCL. Conclusion. We considered that not only cytological examination of pleural fluid but also histological examination is needed for a diagnosis of PMCL in a case of malignant pleural effusion when the primary lesion cannot be detected in the lungs.背景.偽中皮腫性肺癌(pseudomesotheliomatous carcinoma of the lung: PMCL)は,臓側胸膜へのびまん性浸潤を特徴とし,組織学的に末梢性肺癌であることが確認されるものと定義される.今回我々はPMCLと診断した1剖検例を経験したので報告する.症例.71歳男性.2003年5月右胸痛,呼吸困難を主訴に外来受診し,胸部単純写真にて右側胸水を認め,入院となった.胸水細胞診にて腺癌細胞が検出され,全身検査の結果,肺腺癌(cT4N3M0 stage IIIB)と診断した.胸腔ドレナージ後,化学療法を繰り返し行ったが,診断から16ヶ月の経過で腫瘍死した.剖検の結果,右肺内には腫瘍性病変を認めなかったが,肺全体を取り囲むように胸膜は肥厚していた.臓側胸膜に沿った部位に癌組織を認め,免疫染色にてCEA,TTF-1陽性,calretinin陰性,であり,PMCLと診断した.結論.肺内の原発巣が不明な悪性胸水の症例においては,PMCLも念頭におき,胸水細胞診のみではなく可能な限り免疫組織学的検査も行うことが必要であると考えられた., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系}, pages = {145--150}, title = {病理学的に偽中皮腫性発育を示した肺腺癌の1剖検例}, volume = {46}, year = {2006} }