@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013436, author = {秦, 祐子 and 林, 隆宏 and 宮本, 隆志 and 辛島, 修二 and 山口, 昌夫 and 花山, 耕三 and 永坂, 鉄夫 and 桜田, 惣太郎 and 田辺, 実}, issue = {2}, journal = {理学療法学 = The Journal of Japanese Physical Therapy Association}, month = {Mar}, note = {全身の広範囲な皮膚汗腺破壊をともなう重症熱傷患者の, 運動時の発汗能に着目し, 体温調節能力と運動耐久性について検討した。Burn Index 70以上で日常生活動作の自立した2症例を対象に, 自転車エルゴメーターによる運動負荷試験をおこない, 呼気ガス分析・発汗量・深部体温・皮膚温・皮膚血流量・心拍数を経時的に測定した。その結果, 両者とも予想最大酸素摂取量に対する実測の酸素摂取量のピーク値の割合は低く, 運動耐久性は低下していると推察された。一方, III度熱傷値皮部からの発汗は認められなかったが, 運動中の体温の恒常性はかなり保たれたものであった。したがって, 熱傷により広範囲に皮膚汗腺破壊が生じても, 運動中の体温調節能力は比較的維持されると言え, この汗腺破壊が, 運動遂行能力の制限因子となるとは考え難いことが示唆された。 Thermoregulatory capacity and exercise endurance during exercise were studied in patients with impaired sweating capacity due to severe burns. Two patients with deep second-and third-degree healed burns, (Burn Index : 70 and 73.5, respectively) underwent an exercise test using a bicycle ergometer in a comfortable environment (ambient temperature of 26〜28℃ and 40% relative humidity). Oxygen consumption, sweat rate, esophagus temperature, skin blood flow, skin temperature and heart rate were recorded during the exercise. The peak value of actual oxygen consumption (peak VO_2) was 71.6% and 75.4% of the predicted maximum (pred. VO_2max), respectively. They were lower than the normal ratio (85% or higher). No sweating response was observed in the areas which had suffered from third-degree burns, but normal thermoregulatory mechanisms were maintained to some extent throughout the exercise. These results indicate that the overall ability to control body temperature during exercise was relatively maintained in patients with impaired sweating capacity due to large areas of burned skin. It was suggested that impaired sweating capacity may hardly be a limiting factor for exercise tolerance of patients with severe burns.}, pages = {57--62}, title = {重症熱傷患者の運動負荷にともなう発汗・体温調節}, volume = {22}, year = {1995} }