@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013452, author = {石田, 晃介 and 堀井, 里和 and 山下, 竜也 and 荒井, 邦明 and 山下, 太郎 and 加賀谷, 尚史 and 酒井, 佳夫 and 水腰, 英四郎 and 本多, 政夫 and 金子, 周一}, issue = {10}, journal = {日本消化器病学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology}, month = {Jan}, note = {症例は81歳女性.肝S7の腫瘍精査のため当院紹介となった.腹部超音波,腹部CT,腹部MRI,腹部血管造影にて肝adrenal rest tumor(HART)が疑われた.131I-アドステロールを用いた副腎皮質シンチグラフィで集積を認め,HARTと診断した.切除標本ではHARTに合致した所見であった.HARTの診断に副腎皮質シンチグラフィが有用である可能性が示唆された. An 81-year-old female was referred to our hospital for the examination of an S7 liver tumor. The tumor was suspected to be a hepatic adrenal rest tumor (HART) based on ultrasonography, dynamic CT, Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI, and CT during abdominal angiography. After various hormonal tests, the tumor was confirmed as hormonally non-functional. The diagnosis of HART was confirmed based on 131I-adosterol accumulation in the tumor by adrenocortical scintigraphy. The resected tumor was histologically compatible with HART, and it may have been able to produce cortisol based on the immunohistochemical findings of various adrenocortical hormone metabolic enzymes. Adrenocortical scintigraphy may thus be useful in diagnosing HART.}, pages = {2004--2012}, title = {副腎皮質シンチグラフィが有用であった肝adrenal rest tumorの1例}, volume = {111}, year = {2014} }