@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013522, author = {能登, 正浩 and 二宮, 致 and 佐々木, 省三 and 西村, 元一 and 藤村, 隆 and 萱原, 正都 and 清水, 康一 and 太田, 哲生 and 三輪, 晃一}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy}, month = {Jan}, note = {症例は32歳女性.主訴は上腹部痛と嘔吐.内視鏡検査で十二指腸の閉塞と潰瘍を認めた.低緊張性十二指腸造影で十二指腸下行部に内腔に突出する袋状陰影を認め,その周囲に薄い透明帯を呈した.十二指腸内憩室(IDD)と診断し,内視鏡的憩室切除術を施行した.合併症は認めず,閉塞症状は改善した.IDDは比較的稀な消化管奇形であり,本邦報告例は本例で45例日である.治療は内視鏡的切除術が第一選択と考えられた. A 32-year-01d woman visited our hospital complaining of postprandial epigastralgia andvomiting. She had occasionally had the same symptom from childhood. Hypotonic duQdenography revealed a barium-filled pear-shaped sac surrounded by thinradiolucent line in the second part of duodenum. The findings are most suggestive ofintraluminal duodenal diverticulum.(IDD). We performed an endoscopic excision of IDD with2-channel fiberscape. After inversion of the diverticular sac to the oral side by forceps, sac wasexcised by polybectom.y-snare with a high voltage electric current. Histological findings of theexcised specimen revealed normal duodenal mucosa on both sides of the sac. After this excisionshe obtained eomplete relief of the symptom. IDD is a rare congenital anomaly of the duodenum As far as we know, 45 cases of IDDincluding our case have been reported in Japan. furthermore, endoscopic removal of thediverticular sac would be a minimal invasive and effective method in the rnanagement of IDD.}, pages = {261--266}, title = {内視鏡切除術が有効であったIntraluminal Duodenal Diverticulumの1例}, volume = {45}, year = {2003} }