@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013826, author = {藤本, 大裕 and 戸川, 保 and 藤田, 邦博 and 佐藤, 保則 and 石田, 誠}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of gastroenterological surgery}, month = {Feb}, note = {Pancreatic carcinosarcoma is a rare pancreatic neoplasmic variant with a dismal prognosis. We report the case of a large tumor of the pancreatic body in abdominal ultrasonography (US). A 58-year-old man was found in abdominal contrast computed tomography (CT) to have a 5cm low density mass at the pancreatic body. Based on a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, we conducted distal-pancreatectomy from which the pathological specimen showed pancreatic carcinosarcoma involving invasive ductal adenocar-cinoma and a sarcomatous area of short spindle cells. Sarcomatous cells stained immunohistochemically positive for a mesenchymal marker, yielding a diagnosis of pancreatic carcinosarcoma. Gemcitabine was administered in adjuvant chemotherapy. We found multidisciplinary treatment including surgery and chemotherapy effective in this case. © 2011 The Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery. 症例は58歳の男性で,上腹部の痛みと体重減少にて近医受診し,腹部USにて膵体部に低エコー腫瘤を認め当院に紹介された.腹部CTにて膵体部に5cm大の造影効果の乏しい腫瘍と,末梢膵管の著明な拡張を認めたため膵体部癌と診断し,膵体尾部切除を行った.病理組織学的に腫瘍は主膵管および周囲の小範囲に浸潤性膵管癌を認める以外,浸潤部のほとんどに広範な異型の強い紡錘形細胞の増殖と線維化を認めた.各種免疫染色検査においてこれらの紡錘形細胞は間葉系マーカーに陽性を示した.以上より,膵体部に発生した癌肉腫と診断した.術後6か月経過したが,再発兆候はなく,補助化学療法としてgemcitabine投与を行っている.膵癌肉腫は極めてまれでまた治癒切除が施行された場合でも再発し,急速に進行し予後不良とされている.今後は化学療法を含めた集学的治療の確立のため,さらなる症例数の蓄積が必要と考えられた.}, pages = {165--170}, title = {膵体部に発生した癌肉腫の1 例}, volume = {44}, year = {2011} }