@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014007, author = {上村, 吉穂 and 福田, 護 and 江川, 雅之 and 小杉, 郁子 and 大竹, 裕志}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 = Japanese Journal of Urology}, month = {Jul}, note = {症例は,20 歳代の男性.左背部痛を主訴に救急外来を受診.検尿で血尿を指摘され,当科を受診.DIP で左 水腎症(grade 2),左腎盂尿管移行部(ureteropelvic junction;UPJ)狭窄,多発左腎結石を指摘.腹部CT でナットクラッカーディスタンスの短縮,腎血管造影検査で左腎高血圧を認め,ナットクラッカー症候群と診 断.これらに対し,左腎静脈転位術,左腎盂形成術,左腎盂切石術を一期的に施行.術後経過は良好で,術後 2 カ月目には,背部痛や血尿は消失.術後3 カ月目のDIP で,左水腎症の改善(grade 1),腹部CT でナット クラッカーディスタンスの延長を認めた.術後12 カ月が経過し,症状や左水腎症の再燃は認めていない.我々 が知る限りでは,ナットクラッカー症候群,UPJ 狭窄及び多発腎結石の合併,及びこれらを一期的に手術治療 した報告はこれまでにない. A 20 year-old man presented to emergency room with severe left-sided flank pain. Urinalysis showed hematuria and he was referred to the urology department. KUB, DIP and retrograde pyelography (RP) revealed multiple renal stones, left hydronephrosis (grade 2) and ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO). Abdominal CT revealed shortened nutcracker distance and renal angiography showed left renal vein hypertension. From these findings, diagnosis of nutcracker syndrome was made. Transposition of the left renal vein, dismembered pyeloplasty and left pyelolithotomy were performed simultaneously. 2 months after the procedure, his symptom and hematuria disappeared. 3 months after the procedure, DIP revealed improvement of hydronephrosis (grade 1) and CT showed elongation of nutcracker distance. In 12 months follow-up, there was no recurrence of symptom and hydonephrosis. To the best our knowledge, there has been no report of UPJO associated with nutcracker syndrome and the simultaneous treatment for the both diseases.}, pages = {633--637}, title = {ナットクラッカー症候群,腎盂尿管移行部狭窄及び多発腎結石に対し一期的外科治療を施行した1 例}, volume = {102}, year = {2011} }