@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014138, author = {寺川, 裕史 and 尾山, 勝信 and 渡邉, 利史 and 柄田, 智也 and 岡本, 浩一 and 木下, 淳 and 古河, 浩之 and 牧野, 勇 and 中村, 慶史 and 林, 泰寛 and 井口, 雅史 and 中川原, 寿俊 and 宮下, 知治 and 田島, 秀浩 and 高村, 博之 and 二宮, 致 and 北川, 裕久 and 伏田, 幸夫 and 藤村, 隆 and 太田, 哲生}, issue = {5}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy = 癌と化学療法}, month = {Jan}, note = {症例は59歳, 男性. 進行胃癌に対し, 胃全摘術(D2郭清, 脾合切)を施行した. 病理診断は多発胃癌で病変は2か所あり, ML, AntLess, type 3, por, pT3, ly1, v0およびM, Post, 0-IIc, tub1, pT1b2, ly0, v0, pN2M0P0H0, pStage IIIAであった. 術後3年6か月目に, 顔面, 頸部, 体幹, 上肢に小結節が多数出現した. 皮膚結節の生検では胃癌の転移に矛盾しない所見であり, 胃癌多発皮膚転移と診断した. さらに多発骨転移・リンパ節転移を認め, 化学療法を行っている. 胃癌の皮膚転移部位は, 臍部, いわゆるSister Mary Joseph's noduleが最多であるが, それ以外の部位に多発する症例はまれである. 「はじめに」 内臓悪性腫瘍の皮膚転移は一般的にはまれとされ, その頻度は3~10%程度と報告されている1, 2). A 59-year-old man with gastric cancer underwent a total gastrectomy with splenectomy and D2 lymph node dissection. Pathological findings after the first operation were as follows: ML, AntLess, type 3, por, pT3, ly1, v0, and M, Post, 0-II c, tub1, pT1b2, ly0, v0, pN2M0P0H0, pStage IIIA. At 3 years and 6 months after the operation, multiple small nodules were noted on the skin of his face, neck, body, and arms. Biopsy of a skin lesion indicated that it was a metastatic skin cancer resulting from an adenocarcinoma. Thus, we diagnosed the lesions as skin metastases originating from an adenocarcinoma of the stomach. We also detected the presence of multiple metastases to the bone and lymph nodes, and we have treated the patient with chemotherapy. Metastases to the umbilicus from gastric cancer are termed as Sister Mary Joseph's nodules (SMJN). Although cases of SMJN are often reported, cases of multiple metastases from gastric cancer, without invasion to the umbilicus, are rare.}, pages = {645--648}, title = {胃癌術後3年6か月目に多発皮膚転移を来した1例}, volume = {41}, year = {2014} }