@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014513, author = {山本, 宜孝 and 富田, 重之 and 永峯, 洋 and 山口, 聖次郎 and 東谷, 浩一 and 飯野, 賢治 and 渡邊, 剛}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of cardiovascular surgery}, month = {Jul}, note = {症例は66歳,女性.9年前抗リン脂質抗体症候群,特発性血小板減少性紫斑病を指摘され,以後血液内科で通院治療を継続していた.今回心不全症状が出現,精査の結果III/IV度の大動脈弁閉鎖不全症と診断された.血液内科医師と連携をとり十分な準備と計画をたて心臓外科手術:大動脈弁置換術を施行した.術前には血漿交換とステロイドパルス療法を施行,また腎機能障害の増悪に対し透析をおこなった.術後は早期より抗凝固療法とステロイドの内服を行い,抗リン脂質抗体症候群の増悪を認めることが無く順調に経過した. A 66-year-old woman complained of dyspnea due to congestive heart failure, and was given a diagnosis of severe aortic insufficiency. Antiphospholipid syndrome and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) had been diagnosed with 9 years previously. We planned preoperative plasma exchange and steroid pulse infusion to reduce the level of auto-antibodies for phospholipids. The aortic valve replacement was performed safely. Anticoagulant therapy with low molecular weight heparin and oral steroid therapy was administered after the operation to avoid thrombosis or bleeding. The patient's postoperative course was stable. She was discharged without any complication. In conclusion, preoperative plasma exchange and steroid pulse infusion, postoperative anticoagulant therapy and oral steroids resulted in a favorable outcome in a case of heart surgery for a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome.}, pages = {230--233}, title = {抗リン脂質抗体症候群,特発性血小板減少性紫斑病を合併した大動脈弁閉鎖不全症に対し大動脈弁置換術を施行した1例}, volume = {37}, year = {2008} }