@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014572, author = {古澤, 高廣 and 小田, 誠 and 松本, 勲 and 谷内, 毅 and 斉藤, 健一郎 and 渡邊, 剛}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本呼吸器外科学会 = The Japanese Association for Chest Surgery}, month = {May}, note = {症例は60歳,男性.胸部異常陰影を指摘され当科受診.胸部CT, MRI上,左上縦隔に上下に索状構造物が連続する腫瘤影を認めた.迷走神経由来の神経鞘腫と診断し胸腔鏡下手術を施行した.腫瘍は反回神経分岐部中枢の迷走神経より発生していた.鋭的に剥離を進め腫瘍を摘出した.腫瘍は病理組織学的に神経鞘腫であった.術後,嗄声は認めず第9病日に退院となった. A 60-year-old man was referred to our hospital due to an abnormal shadow found on a chest radiograph. His chest CT scan showed a cystic tumor in the left upper mediastinal area. The preoperative diagnosis was neurinoma originating from the mediastinal vagal nerve. Video-assisted thoracic surgery was performed. The tumor arose from the mediastinal vagal nerve proximal to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and tumor resection was performed. The histological diagnosis was neurinoma. His postoperative course was uneventful, and we could preserve the function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系}, pages = {602--605}, title = {胸腔鏡下に核出術を行い反回神経機能を温存し得た左上縦隔迷走神経鞘腫の1切除例}, volume = {23}, year = {2009} }