@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014598, author = {谷口, 尚美 and 酒井, 哲夫 and 島田, 政則 and 石崎, 武志 and 中井, 継彦 and 河原, 栄}, issue = {4}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer = 肺癌}, month = {Oct}, note = {A 70-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with dyspnea. Chest X-ray film showed left pleural effusion. Histological examination of the pleural biopsy specimen revealed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Carcinomatous pleuritis was diagnosed. Chest X-ray on the second day after admission showed a remarkable increase of left pleural effusion and the volume of drained pleural effusion was reached about 12 Iiter during five days after tube thoracostomy. Despite the tube drainage method, dyspnea did not improve and the patient died two weeks after admission before chemotherapy could be initiated. During hospitalization, the white blood cell count rose to 27,800/mm^3 without any evidence of bacterial infection. Levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in both serum and pleural effusion were high, indicating that the tumor cells produced G-CSF, but immunohistochemical examination of the tumor cells did not show any positive staining for anti G-CSF monoclonal antibody. Carcinomatous pleuritis in this case had an unusual character, perhaps related to the leukocytosis. 症例は70歳男性.呼吸困難を主訴に当院受診し,胸部X線写真で左胸水を認めた.胸膜生検診は低分化型腺癌で,癌性胸膜炎と診断した.入院翌日には急速な胸水の貯留がみられ,その後胸腔ドレナージにて計12L(挿入後5日間で)の排液を得るも呼吸困難は改善せず,抗癌剤投与もできないまま約2週問後に永眠された.経過中明らかな細菌感染が認められないのにもかかわらず,白血球数は27,800/mm^3まで増加し,血清中および胸水中のG-CSF濃度が高値を示し,G-CSF産生腫瘍が疑われたが,抗G-CSFモノクローナル抗体による胸膜腫瘍の免疫染色では明らかな陽性所見を認めなかった.癌性胸膜炎としては特異な経過と思われ,白血球増多症が何らかの影響を与えたのではないかと推察された., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系}, pages = {417--423}, title = {急速に胸水貯留を認めた白血球増多症を伴う癌性胸膜炎の1例}, volume = {36}, year = {1996} }