@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014601, author = {Araya, Tomoyuki and Kasahara, Kazuo and Fujimura, Masaki and Tanbo, Yuichi and Tamori, Shunichi and Sone, Takashi and Nakao, Shinji and 新屋, 智之 and 笠原, 寿郎 and 藤村, 政樹 and 丹保, 裕一 and 田森, 俊一 and 曽根, 崇 and 中尾, 眞二}, issue = {2}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer = 肺癌}, month = {Apr}, note = {Background. Skeletal muscle metastases from lung cancer are considered to be extremely rare. We encountered 3 cases of lung cancer associated with skeletal muscle metastases on initial medical examination or during disease progression. Cases. Case 1: A 46-year-old man was trismic due to metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma to the lateral pterygoid muscle. He was resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and died 9 months after the occurrence of symptoms. Case 2: A 57-year-old man had a large cell lung carcinoma or poorly differentiated lung adenocarcinoma. He had metastasis to the right femoral muscle in addition to multiple metastases to many other organs. His disease was also resistant to any treatment, and died 7 months after he became symptomatic. Case 3: A 64-year-old man with adenocarcinoma had a single metastasis to the biceps muscle. He died 3 months after the diagnosis of muscle metastasis due to resistance to therapy. Conclusion. Upon diagnosis of tumorous lesions of skeletal muscles, whole body examination and subsequent percutaneous biopsy of muscle involvement are required to determine the possibility of skeletal muscle metastasis of lung cancer. 背景.肺癌の骨格筋転移は極めて稀とされているが,今回我々は,初診時もしくは経過中に骨格筋転移を来した非小細胞肺癌の3症例を経験した.症例.症例1は46歳男性,肺腺癌の外側翼突筋転移のために開口障害を来した.放射線及び化学療法に対して抵抗性であり,原疾患の悪化により症状発現から約9ヶ月の経過で死亡した.症例2は57歳男性,肺大細胞癌もしくは低分化腺癌の症例で右大腿部の筋転移に加え,他臓器への広範な転移を認めた.治療抵抗性で症状出現より約7ヶ月の経過で死亡した.症例3は64歳男性,腺癌の症例で,右上腕二頭筋に転移を来し,治療抵抗性の経過で筋転移出現より約3ヶ月で死亡した.結論.骨格筋の腫瘤性病変の診断の際には転移性悪性腫瘍,特に肺癌の骨格筋転移を念頭に置き,全身精査と病変部位の生検により速やかな確定診断が必要と考えられた., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系}, pages = {117--125}, title = {骨格筋転移を来した肺癌3症例の臨床的検討}, volume = {46}, year = {2006} }