@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015278, author = {Kimura, Takako and Jyo, Michiko and Nakamura, Norio and Komatsu, Katsuko and Hattori, Masao and Shimotohno, Kumiko and Shimotohno, Kunitada and Kakiuchi, Nobuko}, issue = {6}, journal = {Journal of traditional medicines = 和漢医薬学雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {民族薬物からの新たな抗ウイルス薬の開発を目指して,我々はチベット伝統薬物76種のHIVの逆転写酵素(RTase)およびHCVのRNA依存RNAポリメラーゼ(RbRp)に対する阻害効果を検討した。これら76種のメタノールエキスのうち28検体が100μg/mlの濃度でRTaseに70%以上の阻害効果を示したが、タンニンの効果を排除するためBSA添加後ら効果があったものはこのうち3検体のみであった。一方,同濃度でRdRpに90%以上阻害効果があり,またタンニンの含有率が10%以下のものは8検体であった。さらにRTaseに対するIC_<50>が5.9μg/mlであった薬物のRhodiola sacraのメタノールエキスの分画を行い8イヒ合物を単離した。そのうちdaucosterolにRTase阻害作用を見い出した。For the purpose of development of novel anti-virus agents from ethnical drugs, we examined 76 traditional Tibetan medicines for inhibitory effect on two viral enzymes, reverse transcriptase (RTase) of HIV and RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of HCV. Although 28 methanol extracts inhibited RTase more than 70 % at a concentration of 100 μg/ml, only 3 samples, T42 (藏青果, Termlnalia chebula RETZ.), T46 (檳榔, Areca catechu L.) and T61 (紅檳榔), were found still inhibitory after eliminating the effect of tannins by addition of BSA in the enzyme reaction mixture. In the case of the RdRp, 7 extracts with IC_<50> values of less than 10 μg/ml contained less than 20 % tannins. The extract of Rhodiola sacra, whose IC_<50> for RTase was 25.9 μg/ml, was subject to phytochemical investigation. Out of 8 compounds isolated from the extract, daucosterol was found effective for RTase., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系}, pages = {243--250}, title = {Inhibitory effect of Tibetan medicinal plants on viral polymerases}, volume = {20}, year = {2003} }