@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016200, author = {表, 志津子 and 長沼, 理恵 and 城戸, 照彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University}, month = {Jul}, note = {【目的】能登半島地震被災後2年間の自宅在住者の健康状態の推移と関連要因を明らかに することである。【方法】対象は、震災4ヶ月後、1年半後、2年後の調査に継続参加した 38名(平均717. ±72. 歳)である。調査内容は対象者の概要、身体的健康、GHQ28、生活状 況である。GHQ28の推移の分析には Friedman 検定及び Wilcoxon 検定を用い、BMI、体脂 肪、血圧、HbA1c の推移は分散分析(反復測定)を用いた。震災1年半後と2年後のGHQ28 と関連要因の関連はMann-Whitney検定を用いて検討した。【結果】GHQ28は、震災4ヶ月 後59. ±49. から、2年後33. ±53. と有意に低下した。しかし、家族と同居している場合1年 半後において、生活の安定を感じていない場合は2年後においてGHQ28が有意に高かった。 また、震災2年後に、友人の家に行かない、相談にのらない、楽しみや生きがいのない場 合はGHQ28が有意に高く精神健康度が悪かった。家屋の修理予定がある場合は、1年半後、 2年後においてGHQ下位尺度の一部が有意に高かった。震災後2年の間で最低血圧、体脂 肪は増加し、糖尿病のない群で HbA1c は有意に上昇した。【結論】震災2年目は、家屋の 修理が残る者、社会的活動が低下している者に精神面の支援が必要であること、及び食生 活などの指導が必要であることが示唆された。 【Purpose】The purpose of this study is to examine changes and factors affecting the health status of victims, living in their own residences, during the two years after the Noto Peninsula earthquake.【Method】Subjects were 38 elderly residents (71.7±7.2 years) in one part of Wajima city, Ishikawa, Japan who continued participating in on-going four-month, one-and-half-year and two-year health surveys after the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Demographic data, physiological and physical status and living conditions were examined. Changes in General Health Questionnaire28 (GHQ28) were analyzed according to both the Friedmann and Wilcoxon test methods. GHQ28 and factors affecting psychological status at one and a half years and two years after the earthquake were analyzed using the Man- Whitney test. 【Results】4 months after the earthquake, GHQ28 was 5.9±4.9, and two years after it had significantly decreased to 3.6±5.3. But, after one and a half years GHQ28 was significantly higher for those living with their families compared to those living alone. After two years GHQ28 was significantly higher for those who had not adjusted to their new lifestyle compared to those who had adjusted. Two years after the earthquake, GHQ28 was significantly higher for subjects who visited friends, for those who refused to listen to others’ problems, and for those who felt they had no reason for living. For subjects who planned to repair their houses GHQ28 was significantly higher for one section of the questionnaire after both one and a half years and two years. During the two-year period after the earthquake both diastolic blood pressure and body fat increased significantly. HbA1c increased significantly for subjects without diabetes. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, two years after the earthquake, for subjects whose houses still needed repair, and for those who weren t socially active, a significantly high score on the GHQ28 suggests more psychological support and guidance in eating habits is necessary.}, pages = {51--57}, title = {能登半島地震被災後2年間の自宅生活者の健康状態の推移と関連要因の検討}, volume = {34}, year = {2010} }