@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016208, author = {Suzuki, Hiroyuki and Kido, Teruhiko and Morikawa, Yuko and Nakagawa, Hideaki and Ishizaki, Masao and Naruse, Yuchi and Higashiyama, Masako and Dochi, Mirei and Suwazono, Yasushi and Nogawa, Koji}, issue = {2}, journal = {金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University}, month = {Dec}, note = {目的:海外勤務者の精神的健康度と職業関連要因の関係と日本国内勤務者の精神的健康度の違いを明らかにすることである。方法:同一の金属製品製造業に勤務する男性海外勤務者450名と男性日本国内勤務者683名を対象に自記式質問紙調査を行った。精神的健康度は日本版気分プロフィール検査を用いて評価した。 結果:日本国内と海外勤務者の精神的健康度の比較では、34-39歳において海外勤務者が日本国内より低く、40代と50代では海外勤務者が日本国内より高かった。  ロジスティック重回帰分析の結果、精神的健康度の不良に関連していたものは、ヨーロッパに対して東アジア(e.g. オッズ比 : 7.548, 95%信頼区間[以下CI]: 2.912-22.293[抑うつ-落込み〔以下D〕])、東南・南アジア(e.g. オッズ比 : 4.675, 95% CI : 1.679-14.433[D])、北米(e.g. オッズ比 : 3.997, 95% CI : 1.495-11.895[D])。管理職に対してエンジニア(e.g. OR : 2.328, 95% CI : 1.168-4.679[緊張-不安〔以下T-A〕])と生産管理(OR: 5.268, 95% CI : 1.520-18.013[T-A])。労働時間10-11時間未満に対して12-13時間未満(e.g. OR : 2.063, 95% CI : 1.007-4.283[D])、13時間以上(e.g. OR : 2.651, 95% CI :1.227-5.814[D])。休日日数 8 日以上に対して 5 日未満(e.g. OR : 2.285, 95% CI : 1.276-4.129[疲労〔以下F〕])、5-7日以下(e.g. OR : 2.219, 95% CI: 1.246-4.000[F])であった。結論:海外勤務者の精神保健対策は、地域別ではアジア圏特に東アジア、職種ではエンジニアや生産管理を中心に取り組んでいく必要がある。また実労働時間が12時間を超える者や休日日数が7日以下の者には、就労時間の制限や休日日数を 8 日以上確保することも対策として考えられた。Objectives : The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between the mental-health status of overseas employees and work-related factors, and also to determine the difference between the mental-health status of these employees and their counterparts in Japan. Method : Four hundred and fifty male overseas employees and 683 male employees in Japan were surveyed using a self-assessment questionnaire, namely the Japanese version of the Profile of Mood States, which is used to assess mental-health status. Result: The mental-health status of overseas employees in the age range 34-39 years was worse, and that for those in their forties and fifties better, than those o employees in Japan. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that employees in East Asia Southeast & South Asia and North America were positively associated with poor ental-health status compared with employees in Europe (e.g. odd ratio [OR] : 7.548, 95% confidence interval [CI] : 2.912-22.293, OR : 4.675, 95% CI : 1.679-14.433 and OR: 3.997, 95% CI : 1.495-11.895 in depression/dejection, respectively). Engineers and production controllers were positively associated with poor mental-health status compared with those in managerial posts (e.g. OR : 2.328, 95% CI : 1.168-4.679 and OR : 5.268, 95% CI : 1.520-18.013 in tension/anxiety, respectively). As regards average daily working hours, those employees working for between 12 and less than 13 hours and 13 hours or more were positively associated with poor mentalhealth status compared with those working for between 10 and less than 11 hours (e.g. OR : 2.063, 95% CI : 1.007-4.283 and OR : 2.651, 95% CI : 1.227-5.814 in depression/dejection, respectively). In terms of number of days’ holiday in the last month, those employees who had taken less than five days and between five days and seven days were positively associated with poor mental-health status comparison with those who had taken eight days or more (e.g. OR : 2.285, 95% CI : 1.276-4.129 and OR : 2.219, 95% CI : 1.246-4.000 in fatigue, respectively). Conclusion : Mental-health protection measures in overseas bases need to focus on Asia, especially East Asia and employees who work as engineers or production controllers. Furthermore, average daily working hours should be shortened as much as possible and employees should take at least eight days’ holiday per month.}, pages = {21--33}, title = {The relationship between mental-health status and work-related factors in male Japanese overseas employees}, volume = {33}, year = {2009} }