@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026586, author = {道伝, 研司 and 大村, 健二 and 疋島, 寛 and 広瀬, 宏一 and 中村, 寿彦 and 渡辺, 透 and 岩, 喬}, issue = {12}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {局所性門脈圧亢進症を伴った膵尾部の仮性襄胞の1例に対し, 手術前後に endoscopic ultrasonography (以下 EUS) を施行し, 術式の決定および胃静脈瘤の改善の評価に有用でっあったので報告する. 患者は42歳男性, 主訴は左上腹部痛, abdominal ultrasonography (以下 US と略) および腹部の computed tomography (以下 CT と略) にて膵尾部の約 5×4cm の襄胞と脾腫を認めた. US, CT をはじめとして, 術前の種々の画像検査では襄胞に悪性所見は認められなかった. 一方, 胃内視鏡検査, EUS にて胃穹窿部に限局した静脈瘤を認めた. 手術術式は静脈瘤損傷の危険が少ない襄胞空腸吻合術を選択した. 術後26日目に施行した CT では, 脾腫の改善傾向を認めた. 術後の EUS では, 術前にみられた胃静脈瘤は数, 大きさともに減少していた. 膵尾部仮性襄胞性における手術術式の決定, 術前後の局所性門脈圧亢進症の評価に EUS は有用と思われた. A 42-year-old man was referred to our department becaouse of the presence of a pancreatic tail cyst (5×4cm) with moderate splenmegaly. We diagnosed the condition as a benign pancreatic cyst with left-seded partalhypertension, from computed tomography, abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic examination of the stomach. Moreover pre-operative endoscopis ultarsonography (EUS) showed muotiple venous dilations (gastricvarices) in the submucosal layre of the gastric fornix. We avoided cystogastrostomy and performed cystojejunostomy. Post-operative EUS showed improvement of the gastric varices. In this case EUS wa useful for pre-and post-operative evaluation of left-sided portal hypertension due to apancreatic tail cyst and determination of the operative method for it in order to prevent post-operative bleeding., 金沢大学医学部附属病院外科}, pages = {2818--2822}, title = {局所性門脈圧亢進症の評価に超音波内視鏡が有用であった膵尾部襄胞症の1例}, volume = {23}, year = {1990} }