@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026805, author = {林, 泰寛 and 高村, 博之 and 中村, 慶史 and 藤田, 秀人 and 二宮, 致 and 西村, 元一 and 藤村, 隆 and 萱原, 正都 and 太田, 哲生}, issue = {10}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌}, month = {Oct}, note = {Heterotopic mesenteric ossification(以下,HMO)は腸間膜に広範な類骨形成を伴う非常にまれな疾患である.今回,HMOの1例を経験したので報告する.症例は40歳の男性で,多発骨盤骨折後,腹腔内出血および腸管損傷疑いにて2度の試験開腹術を施行した後に腸閉塞を発症した.保存的治療で改善を認められなかったため,第15病日に腸閉塞解除目的に手術を施行したところ,小腸が強固に癒着して一塊となり腸閉塞の原因となっていたため腸管切除を行った.切除標本の組織像では間膜の線維増生が強い部分のところどころに,軟部組織の骨化性筋炎像に類似した骨形成が認められ,骨芽細胞を伴う類骨あるいは線維骨が多発性に認められたためHMOと診断された.術後,軟部組織の異所性骨化も認めたことからNSAIDs,Cimetidineの内服が開始され,現在のところ再発は認められていない. A 40-year-old man admitted for multiple pelvic bone fractures and undergoing exploratory laparotomy twice for suspect intraperitoneal hemorrhage and bowel perforation suffered small bowel obstruction. 3 days after the second laparotomy, small bowel obstruction was necessitating long tube insertion. 6 days after the second laparotomy, this conservative therapy failed, necessitating surgery. Dense adhesions found involving the jejunum required about 1 meter of small bowel to be resected. Histologically, the resected specimen showed ossification within the fibrous septa and thickening such as heterotopic ossification of soft tissue, definitively diagnosed as heterotopic mesenteric ossification. Postoperatively, the man was treated for heterotopic ossification of soft tissue using NSAIDs and cimetidine to prevent recurrence. He was remained disease free in the three years since surgery.}, pages = {1621--1625}, title = {腰部鈍的外傷と外傷に起因した2度の開腹術後に発生したheterotopic mesenteric ossificationの1例}, volume = {42}, year = {2009} }