@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026951, author = {吉田, 周平 and 松本, 勲 and 齋藤, 大輔 and 高田, 宗尚 and 田村, 昌也 and 竹村, 博文}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery}, month = {Jan}, note = {患者は71歳,男性.65歳時に感染性肺嚢胞及び右肺中葉内膿瘍に対し中葉切除術を施行.6年後に胸部単純X線写真にて右中肺野の異常陰影を指摘された.経過観察を行ったが,陰影の増大を認め,PETにて肺癌を疑われ当科紹介となった.CTでは右肺S3に金属影を中心とした径20 mmの結節影を認め,PET検査では結節に一致しSUV max 10.0(早期相)から13.9(後期相)と高度の集積増加を認めた.手術は右肺上葉部分切除術を施行し,術中迅速病理診断にて炎症性結節と診断された.術後の病理組織学的診断ではstapleに対する異物反応による炎症性肉芽腫と診断された.本症例においては結節影が増大傾向にあったため肺癌を疑い手術を施行したが,炎症性肉芽腫の可能性も念頭に置いたうえで,術前に画像所見の検討を行うべきである.A 71-year-old man, with a history of right middle lobectomy of the lung for the treatment of an infectious pulmonary cyst, had a right pulmonary nodule on the staple line with a hot spot on positron emission tomography (PET). Since the size of the nodule had increased during follow-up, the patient underwent partial resection of the right lung to remove the nodule. Histopathologically, the nodule was diagnosed as an inflammatory granuloma caused by a foreign body reaction to the staple. In addition to lung cancer, the possibility of suture/stapler granuloma should be considered in cases in which pulmonary nodules are detected on the staple line after pulmonary resection.}, pages = {452--455}, title = {肺癌を疑われたStapler Granulomaの1例}, volume = {29}, year = {2015} }