@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027452, author = {高橋, 豊 and 北方, 秀一 and 磨伊, 正義}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本消化器外科学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of gastroenterological surgery}, month = {Apr}, note = {今回,tumor dormancyを目的とした化学療法として,CPT-11の低用量投与法を試みた.低用量投与としては,25mg/m^2をday1,2,3/wで毎週継続するレジメとした.対象は,転移性胃癌と大腸癌,それぞれ8例,計16例である.その結果,低用量投与では副作用が激減し,grade3以上の骨髄抑制を3例(18.6%)をみるのみであった.また投与期間は著明に延長し,平均7.1月で従来法1.8月の約4倍にも相当した.抗腫瘍効果では,奏効率が50%と従来法の29.4%と大きな差は認められなかったが,time to progression (TTP)では,低用量群では平均5.3月と,従来法群の1.6月と3倍以上の差が認められた.またmedian survival time (MST)もそれぞれ11.5月,4.5月と有意差が認められた.以上本法は,縮小よりもTTPの延長から生存期間の延長をもたらす化学療法,いわゆる"dormant chemotherapy"と考えられた. We tried a new regimen with frequent administration of low-dose CPT-11 to reduce side effects without any impairing efficacy, administering 25mg/m^2 of CPT-11 continuously on days 1, 2, and 3 of each week in 8 patients with metastatic colon cancer and 8 with metastatic gastric cancer. Grade-3 marrow depression occurred in only 3 patients. Of our 16 patients, 8 had PR, 7 had NC, and 1 had PD, showing a 50% efficacy. Time to progression (TTP) averaged 5.3 months and median survival time (MST) 11.5 months, significantly superior to rusults for the conventional CPT-11 regimen. These results suggest that the low-dose CPT-11 regimen is promising and potential by reduces side eflects and strengthens the antitumor effect, inducing prolonged TTP and survival.}, pages = {393--396}, title = {Tumor dormancy therapyを目指した化学療法,CPT-11による"Dormant chemotherapy"}, volume = {34}, year = {2001} }