@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029342, author = {上田, 哲行 and 木下, 栄一郎 and 石原, 一彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {保全生態学研究}, month = {Jun}, note = {石川県金沢市郊外の丘陵地において,ハッチョウトンボの場所利用を中心とした調査を行った.調査地は谷津田の最上段にある広さ1,200m^2の休耕田で,毎年トラクターによる耕起は行われているが,イネは栽培されていない.耕起部分には,冠水状態により4つの群落が広がり,そのうちの1つ(群落1)は一年生草本を中心とした湿地性植物群落,残りは陸生植物群落であった.耕起部分の外側は湧水湿地になっており,湿地性多年生草本を主とした群落(群落2)が発達していた.ハッチョウトンボの成熟雄は群落1と2に分布し,調査した2年間では,とくに群落2で類似した分布を示した.雌と未成熟雄は陸生植物群落に分布していた.幼虫も群落1と2を利用していたが,群落1では年により羽化がみられなかった.夏の降水量が少ない年は長期間干上がってしまうためと考えられた.調査地から分散したと思われる成虫を周辺の湿地で確認した.もっとも離れた地点は1.5kmであったが,1km以内が多かった.これらの結果などから,ハッチョウトンボは,一時的な小湿地に適応した機会的な種と考えられた.ハッチョウトンボ個体群を保全するために,丘陵地帯にある放棄水田を耕起によって湿性ビオトープとして整備し,そのネットワーク化を図るべきであるという提案を行った. To propose conservation plans for the tiny dragonfly, Nannophya pygmaea RAMBUR, we investigated its habitat use in a paddy field at the bottom of a valley in the hill country around Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The field, which had an area of 1200m2 and was located at the top of a terraced paddy field, was plowed every spring but was not used for rice cultivation. There were four plant communities, corresponding to varying water levels on the ground, which was plowed annually. One of the four communities, which included annual plants, extended along the spring-fed hillside outside of the plowed area. Mature males primarily occupied Communities 1 and 2, and immature males and females were distributed in other terrestrial parts. The distribution of mature males was relatively similar, especially in Community 2, across the years investigated. Although emergence occurred in Community 2 every year, in Community 1, it was observed in 2002, but not in 2001 and may not in 2003. This yearly difference corresponded to the precipitation observed during the previous summer. Thus, the emergence from Community 1 may reflect larval survival, which probably depended on the degree and length of the dry period in relation to precipitation. Individuals that seemed to have dispersed from the paddy population were seen in several fallow fields up to 1.5km away from the paddy. Based on these results, we considered N. pygmaea to be an opportunistic species that has adapted to small temporary marshes. We propose a conservation plan for N. pygmaea that incorporates creating biotope networks by plowing abandoned paddy fields.}, pages = {25--36}, title = {丘陵湿地に生息するハッチョウトンボの場所利用と生息場所の保全について}, volume = {9}, year = {2004} }