@techreport{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00034845, month = {Apr}, note = {1.ニワトリ胚とジャコウネズミ胚の心臓と大血管に分布する迷走神経の心臓枝の発生 平成10年度において、心臓の動脈門と静脈門から入る心臓枝(迷走神経心臓枝)と心臓神経節の発生を大静脈と肺静脈および心房中隔の発生と関連させて追跡し、静脈門側の心臓枝と神経節の発生に関して新たな知見を得た。しかしながら、心臓枝に関する用語は著しく混乱しており、正確なデータの記載の仕様が無いというバリアに遭遇した。それ故、すべての脊椎動物に適応可能な命名を確立し、Acta Anat Nippon(1998)73に発表した。 この命名に従い、ニワトリ胚の迷走神経を生体の科学(1999)に発表した。 2.ヒトの心臓に分布する迷走神経心臓枝ならびに交感神経の解明 ヒトの成体の心臓に分布する迷走神経心臓枝の形態を、出来る限り詳しく解剖し、新しいデータを出し、論文を作成し投稿した。Journal of Anatomyに一応受理されたが、心臓に分布する交感神経の枝について、記載を加えるよう要求された。 3.ジャコウネズミの交感神経の心臓神経 平成11年度は、ジャコウネズミの成体の頸・胸部を体壁と内臓を一緒に抗ニューロフィラメント抗体を用いて、全標本的染色を行った。これにより、これまで観察が極めて困難であった交感神経幹から起こる心臓神経が大静脈壁に沿って心臓の静脈門に達するという新しい知見を得た。これを日本解剖学会第59回中部地方会と第105回日本解剖学会全国学術集会で発表した。 4.その他 (1)ヒトの心臓の心房中隔の中を走る環状動脈の副行路については、Kugel(Amer Heart J.1927)の動脈の存在が知られているが、これと異なる破格が見つかった。, 1) Development of Vagal Branches destined to the heart and great vessels of chick and Suncus embryos In 1998, we traced developing branches arising from the trunk of the vagus nerve in the chick embryos and the embryos of the house shrews (Suncus murinus). The results obtained by the observation in the whole-mount stained embryos by a immunohistochemical method using antibodies to the nerves and nerve cells are new and of importance for considering the three-dimensional morphology of these nerve elements to the developing heart as well as to the great vessels. Unfortunately, we encountered a great difficulties in describing the e nerve branches, that is the confusion of terms of the cardiac nerve branches. For the aim to clear and overcome thisdifficulties, we dissected the thoracic viscera and vagal nerve branches to the heart and great vessels under a stereomicroscope and traced the full-course from their origin to the final distribution in the heart. The observed nerves branches were named from the developmental viewpoint. In this way, we have found an excellent way of terminology in which every cardiac nerve branches of any vertebrates can be named without causing confusion. This result has been published in Acta Anatomica Nipponica 73 in 1998. The results obtained in the study of chick embryos has been published, though in part, in "Seitai no Kagaku" (Science of Living Bodies). 2) Vagal and Sympathetic Nerve Branches Distributed to the Heart and Great Vessels of Humans In the same way applied to the study 1 mentioned just above, we traced vagal and sympathetic cardica nerves branches in greater detail than ever. We fond, in addition to the vagal cardiac branches, which pass through the aortic porta of the heart, nerves branches entering the venous porta to be distributed to the atria and the interatrial septum. We have made a manuscript of these findings and sent to referee of Journal of Anatomy (England) ; this manuscript has been tentatively accepted, being required to add the findings on the sympathetic cardiac nerve branches. 3) Sympathetic Cardiac Nerve Branches to the Heart of the House Shrews, Suncus murinus Observation of the total course of sympathetic cardiac nerves branches is very difficult, or impossible in practice, because the scanty of myelination of these nerve branches. For overcome this difficulty, we have tries a whole-mount staining of the thoracic organs including the heart and great vessels by use of antibodies to neurofilament ; By this method, the total course of the vagal and sympathetic cardiac nerve branches are clearly observable. We have got a new data that the sympathetic cardiac nerve branches destined for the venous portion of the heart take their course along the great venous vessels, I.e., the superior caval veins and the pulmonary veins. We made presentation in the local and general Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Anatomical Association in 1999 and 2000. 4) Another Findings We have traced the variant artery coursing in the interatrial septum of the human heart. The manuscript of this findings has been sent to the referees of Acta Anatomica Nipponica, ; this has been tentatively accepted, some reverses being required., 研究課題/領域番号:10670010, 研究期間(年度):1998–1999, 出典:「全胚免疫組織化学染色法等による心・鰓弓系器官の神経・血管・筋の発生の三次元的研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号10670010 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))    本文データは著者版報告書より作成}, title = {全胚免疫組織化学染色法等による心・鰓弓系器官の神経・血管・筋の発生の三次元的研究}, year = {2000} }