@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00042488, author = {アグリナ and 表, 志津子 and 津田, 朗子 and 大桑, 麻由美 and 木村, 留美子 and シャハルール and 斎藤, 瑠華 and Agrina and Omote, Shizuko and Tsuda, Akiko and Okuwa, Mayumi and Kimura, Rumiko and Syahrul and Saito, Ruka}, issue = {1}, journal = {Journal of wellness and health care, Journal of wellness and health care}, month = {Aug}, note = {This study was performed to clarify determining factors related to toddler underweight.Four hundred eleven mothers and toddlers at 124 child health posts in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, were selected by multistage random sampling. Data regarding sociodemographic status, toddler health and feeding problems, and mothersʼ behavior regarding toddler feeding practices were collected using a questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine factors contributing to toddler underweight. The average age of the toddlers was 23.2±7.2 months, and 15.1% (n=62)were underweight. The most common health problem reported in toddlers in the past 3 months was fever (65.5%). The most common feeding problems were difficulty eating (14.6%) and refusing to eat (8.8%). Although 95.3% of mothers always provided a variety of foods for their toddlers, 61.8% always provided toddlers with a snack at mealtimes, and 58.9% always give their toddlers milk before eating. Among the toddlers included in the study, 53.3% experienced non-exclusive breastfeeding (non-EBF) from 0 to 6 months old. Multivariate analysis indicated that underweight toddlers were most likely to have refused to eat at some point in the previous 3 months (OR = 3.76), to have mothers that always gave them milk before eating (OR = 1.92), and to have mothers that supplied them with complementary food by their sixth month (OR = 1.94). The results of this study will facilitate the design of intervention strategies to prevent toddlers from being underweight based on toddlersʼ feeding problems and mothersʼ practices regarding feeding their toddlers., 目的:インドネシアリアウ州における幼児の低体重に関連する要因を明らかにすること。方法:インドネシアリアウ州ペカンバル市にある 124 の幼児保健施設を訪れた 3 才未満の幼児とその親を対象に体重測定及び質問紙調査を実施した。対象は多段階無作為抽出法にて選定した。調査項目は基本属性、幼児の過去の健康問題、現在までの栄養摂取状況、幼児の食に関する母親の育児行動で、低体重予測因子の同定にはロジスティック重回帰分析を用いた。結果:幼児の平均年齢は 23.2 ± 7.2 ヶ月で、15.1%(n=62)が低体重であった。過去 3 ヵ月間の健康問題は発熱(65.5%)、摂食障害(14.6%)、摂食拒否(8.8%)であった。母親の 95.3%は様々な食品を幼児に日常的に提供している一方で、食事時にスナック類を与えている者が 61.8%、食事前にミルクを与える習慣のある者が 58.9%いた。生後 6 か月までの完全母乳(exclusive breastfeeding; EBF)を行っていない者は 53.3%であった。解析の結果、幼児の低体重に有意な関連がみられた要因は、過去 3 ヶ月間に摂食拒否があったこと(OR=3.76)、食事前にミルクを与える習慣があること(OR=1.92)、生後 6 か月までに補完食品を与えたことがあること(OR=1.94)であった。従って、幼児の低体重予防には授乳期からの介入が重要であると考える。}, pages = {61--69}, title = {A study of determining factors of underweight among toddlers in Riau, Indonesia}, volume = {41}, year = {2017}, yomi = {オモテ, シズコ and ツダ, アキコ and オオクワ, マユミ and キムラ, ルミコ} }