@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00044104, author = {Terasawa, Naoko and Kinoshita, Yasuhiro and 寺沢, なお子 and 木下, 恭宏}, journal = {金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {女子大学生25名(20.7土1.3歳)を体格別に3群(標準身長 一 標準骨格筋率群 :S-S群,標準身長 一高骨格筋率群: S-H群,高身長 一 高骨格筋率群 :H-H群)に分けた。S-S群は他の2群に比べて有意に全身骨格筋率が低かったが, Body Mass Indexには有意差は認められなかった。3群の食後血糖値変動を調べたところ,米飯摂取30分後の血糖値はS-S群が他の2群より有意に高値を示した。米飯摂取30分前に野菜ジュ ー スを摂取した場合,血糖値上昇は 3 群とも有意に抑制されたが,米飯のみ摂取の場合に食後血糖値が高かった群ほど抑制率が高く . 群間の有意差は消失した。また被験者の全身骨格筋率に影響を及ぼす生活習慣を調べたところ,いずれも有意差は認められなかったもののS-S群は身体活動レベルが低く,朝食を抜くこと・食事をとる時刻が変動すること・満腹になるまで食べることが多い傾向にあった。さらに,朝食の摂取頻度と全身骨格筋率との間に有意な相関が認められた。, Twenty-five female college students (average age, 20.7????1.3 years) were classified into the following three groups based on somatotype: the Standard height–Standard total body skeletal muscle percentage (S–S) group, the Standard height–High total body skeletal muscle percentage (S–H) group, and the High height–High total body skeletal muscle percentage (H–H) group. The total body skeletal muscle percentage of the S–S group was significantly lower than that of the other two groups. However, no significant difference was observed in the body mass index between the three groups. At 30 min after rice intake, a significantly higher postprandial elevation of blood glucose level was observed in the S–S group compared with that of the other two groups; this was significantly reduced by vegetable juice intake 30 min before rice intake in all the three groups, and no significant differences were observed in the postprandial elevation of blood glucose level between the three groups resulting from vegetable juice intake before rice intake. Regarding lifestyle, those in the S–S group tended to have low physical activity levels, skip breakfast, have fluctuating mealtimes, and overeat; however, no significant differences were observed between the three groups. On the contrary, significant positive correlations were observed between breakfast intake and total body skeletal muscle percentage.}, pages = {25--44}, title = {若年女性の体格が食後血糖値変動に及ぼす影響}, volume = {10}, year = {2018} }