@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00044905, author = {Seguchi, Ryuta and Yashiki, Noriyoshi and Kato, Hiroki and Takagi, Takeshi and Yoshizumi, Ko and Yamaguchi, Shohjiro and Ohtake, Hiroshi and Watanabe, Go and 瀬口, 龍太 and 矢鋪, 憲功 and 加藤, 寛城 and 高木, 剛 and 吉積, 功 and 山口, 聖次郎 and 大竹, 裕志 and 渡辺, 剛}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌, Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery}, month = {}, note = {症例は75歳女性.突然の胸痛を主訴に近医を受診し,造影CT撮影において縦隔内血腫を指摘された.造影CTのいくつかのスライスで,左内胸動脈から血腫に向かう分枝が確認され,左内胸動脈破裂が疑われた.血管造影にて,左内胸動脈の出血が確認され,コイル塞栓術を行った.塞栓術後は出血を認めず,入院2週間後に独歩で自宅退院となった.内胸動脈破裂は非常に稀であるが,縦隔内血腫に対しては本疾患も念頭に置いて診療に当たることが肝要である., We report the findings in a 75-year-old woman who was given diagnosis of rupture of the internal thoracic artery (ITA) and was successfully treated by coil embolization. The patient suddenly felt chest pain, and a chest CT revealed a mediastinal hematoma. She was suspected to have an acute aortic dissection, and therefore transferred to our hospital. Upon careful examination, a CT showed a hematoma in the superior mediastunum and the extravasation of the left internal thoracic artery. Emergency coil embolization was thus performed to stop the bleeding. After the embolization, no further hemorrhaging was observed. The patient was uneventfully discharged in a healthy state 2 weeks later. Rupture of the internal thoracic artery is rare. However, it is important to include this potential disease in the differential diagnosis when encountering a patient presenting with an atraumatic mediastinal hematoma., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系}, pages = {126--128}, title = {非外傷性内胸動脈破裂に対するコイル塞栓術による1治療例}, volume = {39}, year = {2010} }