@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00045018, author = {Urayama, Hiroshi and Kawakami, Kengo and Kasashima, Fuminori and Kawase, Yuji and Harada, Takeshi and Matsumoto, Yasushi and Takemura, Hirofumi and Sakakibara, Naoki and Kawasuji, Michio and Watanabe, Yoh and 浦山, 博 and 川上, 健吾 and 笠島, 史成 and 川瀬, 裕志 and 原田, 猛 and 松本, 康 and 竹村, 博文 and 榊原, 直樹 and 川筋, 道雄 and 渡辺, 洋宇}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌, Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery}, month = {}, note = {Ischemic heart disease (IHD) poses a major complicating factor for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. To identify patients with IHD, we evaluated patients scheduled to undergo AAA repair with dipyridamole-thallium scintigraphy (DTS) and coronary angiography (CAG). If indicated, coronary revascularization was performed. Finally, an assessment of the effectiveness of these preventive measures was made. One hundred and ten patients scheduled to undergo AAA repair were identified and treated accordingly over a 20-year period. As the pre-operative evaluation and prophylactic surgical revascularization strategies were instituted in 1983, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 25 patients between 1973-1982 (group A) and 85 patients between 1983-1992 (group B). The mean age of patients in group A was 65.3 years. The male/female ratio within this group was 21:4. One patient in the group had a history of IHD and 9 had hypertention. The mean age of patients in group B was 67.7 years. The male/female ratio within this group was 77:8. Fourteen patients in this group had a history of IHD and 27 had hypertension. Screening and treatment of IHD in group B was as follows. All patients with a history of IHD underwent CAG. Of the 32 patients with cardiac risk factors, including hypertension and hyperlipidemia, or ECG abnormalities who underwent DTS, 8 were referred for CAG. Thirty-nine patients with no risk factors and a normal ECG proceeded to AAA repair without further workup. Perioperative myocardial infarction occurred in 2 patients in grouzp A, leading to death in 1 patient. Coronary revascularization was performed in 5 patients in group B. No perioperative myocardial infarction occurred in this group. Pre-operative identification of high-risk cases with DTS, CAG, and coronary revascularization in patients with IHD may prevent cardiovascular complications in patients undergoing AAA repair., 心筋梗塞は腹部大動脈瘤の術中術後の合併症で最も重篤なものの一つである. ジピリダモール負荷心筋スキャン, 冠状動脈造影により評価を行い, 必要な症例には冠状動脈再建を行う方針を開始した1983年以降と, それ以前の腹部大動脈瘤の待機手術例を比較検討した. 1982年までの前半の10年間の症例は25例で術前併存症としての虚血性心疾患を1例に認めた. 1983年以降の後半の10年間の症例は85例で, 術前併存症としての虚血性心疾患を14例に認め, 全例冠状動脈造影にて評価した. 後半において高血圧や高脂血症などの危険因子もしくは心電図異常を認める32例にジピリグモール負荷心筋スキャン等を施行し, うち8例に冠状動脈造影を施行した. 前半の25例において術後心筋梗塞を2例に認め, うち1例が死亡した. 後半の85例中5例に冠状動脈バイパスを施行した. 後半の85例において術後心筋梗塞は認めなかった. 腹部大動脈瘤手術では積極的な虚血性心疾患対策が必要である., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系}, pages = {31--35}, title = {虚血性心疾患を有する腹部大動脈瘤の外科治療}, volume = {24}, year = {1995} }