@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00045607, author = {Kamijo, Akio and Matsuzaki, Taro and Yamazaki, Toshiaki and Araki, Yoshitaka and Kitade, Ippei and Iori, Yuji and Kimura, Shigefumi and Hoso, Masahiro and 上條, 明生 and 松﨑, 太郎 and 山崎, 俊明 and 荒木, 督隆 and 北出, 一平 and 庵, 裕滋 and 木村, 繁文 and 細, 正博}, issue = {1}, journal = {Journal of wellness and health care, Journal of wellness and health care}, month = {Aug}, note = {これまで、ラット膝関節の不動化による関節周囲組織の組織学的変化が報告されているが、臨床の場においてギプス固定がなされる場合には非荷重の状態となることが多い。荷重の除去が長期に及ぶと膝半月板内の機械受容器数が減少し、長期臥床や免荷直後は関節損傷の危険性が高いとの報告もある。今回ラット膝関節をギプス固定するだけでなく、後肢懸垂法を用いて非荷重モデルと非荷重の後に再荷重を加えたモデルを作成し、荷重の有無による影響を調査した。   2 週間片側下肢のギプス固定と後肢懸垂を行った群 ( 2 IS 群 )、 4 週間片側下肢のギプス固定と後肢懸垂を行った群 ( 4 IS 群 )、 2 週間片側下肢のギプス固定と後肢懸垂を行い、その後 2 週間ケージ内にて自由飼育とし再荷重を行った群 ( 2 IS+IL 群 )、 2 週間通常飼育の対照群( 2C 群)、4 週間通常飼育の対照群( 4C 群)で比較した。   2 IS 群では膝関節軟骨表面の不整が確認され、 4 IS 群では軟骨表面の変化はさらに進行していた。 2 IS+IL 群では関節軟骨と周囲組織の癒着は確認されず、軟骨表面の変化は2 IS 群よりも軽減していた。  不動と非荷重が組み合わさった際には膝関節軟骨組織の変化について相加的な影響をもたらす可能性が明らかになり、再荷重により関節軟骨は修復されうることが考えられる。関節軟骨の正常状態維持には適切な関節運動と荷重が必要である。, Purpose: Joint movement and loading are thought to maintain articular cartilage. In this study, we performed histological examination of the effects of immobilization and unloading/reloading on articular cartilage in the rat knee joint.  Materials and Methods: Twenty-five adult, 9-week-old, male rats were used in this study. The animals were randomly divided into five groups of equal size: two-week caged control (2C), 4-week caged control (4C), 2-week hind limb suspension with cast immobilization (2IS), 4-week hind limb suspension with cast immobilization (4IS), and 2-week hind limb suspension with cast immobilization and 2-week reloading with cast immobilization (2IS+IL). Rats in the experimental groups had one knee joint immobilized for 2 or 4 weeks in maximum flexion with a plaster cast of our own making and aluminum wire netting. After the end of each experimental period, tissue specimens of the knee joint were prepared for observation in the sagittal plane and examined under a light microscope with hematoxylin-eosin staining.  Results: In the control groups (2C or 4C), the surface of the articular cartilage was smooth and continuous. On the other hand, the surface of the femoral articular cartilage was irregular in the experimental groups. The pathological changes in the cartilage surfaces showed greater progression in the 4IS group than that the 2IS group. We observed adhesions between the cartilage surface layer and synovial membrane in some specimens in the 4IS group. The pathological changes in the cartilage surfaces were less severe in the 2IS+IL group than the 2IS group.  Conclusion: Immobilization and unloading caused irregularity of the femoral articular cartilage surface as well as adhesions between the cartilage surface layer and synovial membrane in some specimens. Reloading may be related to cartilage repair.}, pages = {51--55}, title = {荷重および関節固定の有無と再荷重がラット大腿骨軟骨荷重面に及ぼす影響とその組織学的変化}, volume = {42}, year = {2018} }