@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00046710, author = {御影, 雅幸 and Okutsu, Kayu and Kurotani, Arisa and Sasaki, Yohei and Mikage, Masayuki}, issue = {5}, journal = {Journal of Traditional Medicines}, month = {}, note = {アーユルヴェーダではアリシュタという薬酒が広く利用されている。 日本の薬酒が酒に生薬を浸漬し作られるチンキ剤であるのに対し, アリシュタは生薬の煎液をアルコール発酵させて作られる。 発酵による生薬の成分変化が, チンキ剤にはないアリシュタ独自の効能に寄与していると予想される。 本研究では, アリシュタとチンキ剤の相違点を明らかにすることを目的とし, 生姜, 大棗, ヒハツから製造したアリシュタ及びチンキ剤のピペリン及び [6]-ジンゲロール含量を HPLC により比較した。 アリシュタ中のピペリン含量はチンキ剤より高く14.6 mg/l であり, 製造過程で大きな変化は見られなかった。 一方アリシュタ中の [6]-ジンゲロール含量は11.3 mg/l とチンキ剤の50%以下であり, 製造過程において [6]-ジンゲロールが減少していた。 そこで [6]-ジンゲロールを添加した酵母培養液を LC-MS/MS 分析し, 酵母によるジンゲロールの代謝物を調べた。 その結果, ジンゲロールが酵母により [6]-ショウガオールなど 4 つの化合物に代謝されていることが示唆され, 同様の化合物がアリシュタにも含まれることが明らかになった。, In Ayurveda, practitioners use a herbal liquor called Arishta to treat patients suffering with emaciation or indigestion. Arishta is produced by decocting various herbs and then subjecting the resultant liquid to alcoholic fermentation. During the alcoholic fermentation stage, the constituents of Arishta change chemically, which would also alter the medicinal effects of Arishta. In order to characterize the components of Arishta, we investigated the differences between the compositions of Arishta and a tincture (an alcohol-soaked herbal liquor). First, we attempted to prepare Arishta in our laboratory from ginger, jujube, and long pepper and compared the piperine and [6]-gingerol contents of Arishta with those of the abovementioned tincture using HPLC. The alcohol content of the laboratory-made Arishta (LM-Arishta) was 15%, which was almost the same as that of the Arishta sold in Sri Lanka. The piperine content of the LM-Arishta was 14.6 mg/l, which was slightly higher than that of the tincture. It seems that decoction is more effective way to extract piperine than ethanol immersion. However, [6]-gingerol content of the LM-Arishta was 11.3 mg/l, which was less than 50% of that of the tincture. Subsequently, we incubated [6]-gingerol with yeast in culture medium to search [6]-gingerol metabolites. LC-MS/MS analysis suggested that [6]-gingerol is transformed to 4 metabolites such as [6]-shogaol and 3 or 5 acetoxy-[6]-gingerdiol during alcoholic fermentation. These metabolites were also detected in LM-Arishta and thus, it was suggested that [6]-gingerol was metabolized during LM-Arishta making. © 2013, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系}, pages = {206--214}, title = {Differences between the chemical constituents of tincture and Arishta, an ayurvedic herbal liquor prepared from ginger, long pepper, and jujube}, volume = {30}, year = {2013} }