@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00047697, author = {Fujita, Satoko and 藤田, 佐和子}, journal = {金沢大学国際機構紀要, Research Bulletin, Organization of Global Affairs Kanazawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {上級日本語学習者でも,基礎的な漢字・語彙が読めないこともあるが,学習者とし ては漢字を「知っている」つもりなので,学習意欲を持ちにくい。  そこで,自律学習を行うために基礎的な知識が網羅された教材「覚えましょう」を開 発した。学習者にはクラス冒頭で学習の動機付けを行うが,使うかどうかも含めて学 習の一切を学習者に任せ,授業では発展的な学びに焦点をあて,基礎的な知識につい ては習得状況を確認できるテストのみを行った。  その結果,学習者の意欲は高まり,効果的な学習が可能となった。学習の無駄を省 くことができ,基礎的な知識に向上が見られた。また,この方法は学習者から高い評 価を得た。, Even the most advanced learners could be troubled with basic Kanji and vocabulary. However, motivation to relearn the basic knowledge is generally lacking, as they think they already know it. This paper presents a case of material and classroom guideline design to motivate autonomous learning of kanji and vocabulary in advanced Japanese language classes. The main goal was to lead learners to identify their insufficiency in basic knowledge (which varies from learner to learner) and to make self-directed improvement efforts. Therefore, a self-learning workbook Oboemasyou (覚えましょう/ Let’s Learn!) was designed and introduced to students who were well-informed of its purpose and content. In-class quizzes were utilized for diagnostic self-assessment. This design was found effective in promoting autonomous learning and enhancing motivation. Moreover, it also improved learning outcome as evidenced in students’ quiz performance and was highly evaluated by the students.}, pages = {81--98}, title = {やる気にならない学習者の学習意欲を高める自律学習-上級漢字・語彙クラスで基礎的知識を習得する方法と教材作成-}, volume = {1}, year = {2019} }