@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00047871, author = {Kasai, Junichi and Kasai, Tsukasa and Sawada, Shin and 笠井, 純一 and 笠井, 津加佐 and 沢田, 伸}, issue = {37}, journal = {人間社会環境研究, Human and socio-environmental studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {大正 4 年 (1915), 大阪北の新地に建てられた北陽演舞場は, 昭和 4 年 (1929), 同 7 年の両度 にわたって改築された。本稿は改築の具体的な様相を設計図, 聞取り調査の記録, 番付掲載の写真新聞記事等から,多角的に追究した。 その結果,昭和4年の改築は「貴賓席」の撤去, 同7年の改築は「観客席の椅子席化」であり,それぞれが演舞場の構造に影響を与えていることが判明した。また改築の背景について,前者は金融恐慌に象徴される経済状況の悪化,後者は生活様式の洋風化と北新地の特殊性が考えられることを論じた。, Hokuyo-enbujo, which was built on Osaka Kita-no-shinchi in 1915, has seen the inside of the buildings renovated twice, in 1929 and in 1932. This study explores the concrete phase of the renovation through floor plans, interviews, photographs taken at the Hokuyo-naniwaodori, and newspaper articles. It is our conclusion that the dismantlement of the seats for the guests of honor was the primary purpose of the renovation in 1929 and that the purpose of the 1932 renovations was to exchange zabuton seating to chair seating. In addition, each of the renovations influenced the construction of Hokuyo-enbujo. As far as the context for the renovations, the first round of renovations came during a period of deteriorating economic situation due to a financial crisis and the later renovations came during a period of westernization of lifestyle.}, pages = {159--176}, title = {北陽演舞場の改築とその背景一昭和4年,7年の内部改修をめぐってー}, year = {2019} }