@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00055328, author = {AMANE, LLC and MEGURO, Yoko and HORII, Misato and 合同会社, AMANE and 目黒, 陽子 and 堀井, 美里}, issue = {16}, journal = {金沢大学資料館紀要, Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum}, month = {Mar}, note = {“Jishu Ryo Nisshi” introduced here in this article is an old diary written by a dormitory superintendent at Jishu Dormitory of the former National High School No. 4 (now Kanazawa University) up to early Showa. It contains detailed records of the health and outings of dormitory students, their self-governing activities, and annual events such as commemorative festivals. In addition, it mentions social events in Japan then with a wide range of contents. In light of the above, it can be said that the diary is valuable for understanding not only the actual conditions of dormitory students as they were, but also the early modern education and social trends at that time. At present, however, there are few studies on the diary, and its existence has not been widely known yet. Therefore, in this article, we will reproduce and introduce the two parts of the diary covering (1) the autonomy of dormitory students in the latter half of the Meiji period and (2) the epidemic of the Spanish flu in 1918. This will hopefully increase interest in this particular document and motivate more research on the relationship between the higher education and the society at that time.}, pages = {73--83}, title = {資料紹介 金沢大学附属図書館所蔵 「時習寮日誌」について}, year = {2021} }