@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00057313, author = {Komura, Kazuhisa and Inagaki, Miyuki and Nishikawa, Katatoshi and Hayakawa, Kazuichi and Tang, Ning and Yang, Xiaoyang and Iida, Takao and Moriizumi, Jyun and 小村, 和久 and 稲垣, 美幸 and 西川, 方敏 and 中西, 孝 and 早川, 和一 and 唐, 寧 and 楊, 小陽 and 飯田, 孝夫 and 森泉, 純}, issue = {5}, journal = {地球科学, Earth Science}, month = {Sep}, note = {Variations of radiation levels before and after the Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2007 have been analyzed from the point of view of environmental radioactivity. The 210Pb activities in the airborne particles are collected from Nishi-Futamata in Wajima, are analyzed. The Radon activity at Hegura Island located 50km North of Wajima, and the spatial gamma rays at Nishi-Futamata are measured since April 21, 2007. Abnormal increase of 210Pb activity started 3 weeks before the earthquake are found, suggesting the maximum value just before the earthquake, because it decrease to normal level after 2 weeks. Increase of radon level was not observed at Hegura Island, however, increase of radiation level at Nishi-Futamata area continued for 6 weeks after the earthquake, and settled to normal level in middle of May 2007., 環境放射能の観点から能登半島地震発生前後の放射能関連のデータの解析を試みた.解析したのは,輪島市西二又地区で採取した大気浮遊塵中の210Pb,輪島沖50kmに位置する舳倉島のラドン濃度,地震発生後の4月21日から西二又地区で連続測定を実施した空間γ線レベルの3項目である.その結果,地震発生約3週間前から大気浮遊塵試料のラドンの娘核種210Pbの濃度が増加し,地震直前にピークに達した後に低下に転じ,約2週間後にほぼ平常値に回復していたことが分かった.舳倉島のラドンには地震の影響は見られなかったが,西二又における空間γ線レベルはラドンに由来すると考えれる高い値が約6週間後も続き5月中頃に平常値に戻ったことが明らかになった., 金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター}, pages = {335--342}, title = {能登半島地震前後の環境放射能の変動 (<特集>2007年能登半島地震 その2)}, volume = {61}, year = {2007} }