@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00057333, author = {Koyama, Kazuo and Koike, Masuhito and Hirao, Takashi and Toriba, Akira and Hayakawa, Kazuichi and 神山, 和夫 and 小池, 益人 and 平尾, 宜司 and 鳥羽, 陽 and 早川, 和一}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本食品工学会誌, Japan Journal of Food Engineering}, month = {Sep}, note = {製造工程中に起きるデンプンの部分糊化が,レトルトカレーの最終粘度に及ぼす影響を調べた.レトルトカレーの粘度は,煮込みとそれに続くレトルト殺菌工程で,原料中のデンプンが糊化することで上昇する.しかし,煮込み工程前の原料混合工程の温度が高過ぎると,最終粘度が十分に上昇しないことが経験的にわかっている.そこで,原料混合工程の温度とデンプンの糊化状態をアミロース溶出度,膨潤度,動的粘弾性および示差走査熱量分析から調べ,最終粘度との関係を考察した.その結果,原料混合工程の温度が65℃以上であると,デンプンの部分糊化が起こるため,その後の煮込み工程と殺菌工程での粘度上昇は抑制されることがわかった., The effect of partial gelatinization of starch during precooking operation on the final viscosity of retort curry at serving temperature was investigated. While the increase in the viscosity of retort curry is largely due to the starch gelatinization during the heating processes of cooking and sterilization, it is known empirically that a high temperature during the material mixing operation before cooking may result in a lower final viscosity. The relationship between the temperature and the partial starch gelatinization during material mixing was therefore studied by measuring amylose leaching, swelling ratio, dynamic viscoelasticity, and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). When the mixing temperature was at or higher than 65℃, the starch was partially gelatinized under the low water condition, and as the result, the increase in the viscosity during cooking and sterilization was suppressed. This finding is expected to be useful in controlling the viscosity of starch-containing retort foods., 金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系}, pages = {43--49}, title = {煮込み前工程中のデンプンの部分糊化がレトルトカレーの粘度に及ぼす影響}, volume = {13}, year = {2012} }