@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00058773, author = {Serikawa, Yuko and Yoshida, Masahiro and Miyajima, Masakatsu and 芹川, 由布子 and 吉田, 雅穂 and 宮島, 昌克}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE))}, month = {}, note = {2011年東日本大震災では埋立地等の戸建住宅に液状化被害が多発し,その数は計2万7千棟を数える.これらの被害を受け,地震による液状化被害は深刻な問題となり,今後の安全な宅地供給を期待するとともに,液状化対策コストの低廉化を進めることが求められている.著者らは,間伐丸太を液状化対策に利用することを提案しており,より実用的な工法の考案に繋げるため,戸建住宅を対象とした液状化対策工法の需要と費用対効果を明らかにするための一般市民を対象としたアンケート調査を行った.また,既設構造物の液状化対策工法として構造物周辺地盤に丸太を打設する工法に着目した.浦安市で提案された格子状改良工法を比較対象として,構造物周辺地盤に丸太を打設する方法の有効性について模型振動実験による検討を行った., During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake in Japan, extreme liquefaction caused extensive damage to residential houses in the Kanto Plain region and resulted settlements and tilts larger than that was observed during the past earthquakes. This paper deals with a proposal of ground improvement technique by installing logs into loose sand layer as a soil liquefaction countermeasure for existing residential houses. First, a demand for countermeasure of residential houses and reasonable cost of construction were shown by questionnaire surveys . Next, small-scale shaking table tests were carried out to propose how to apply the technique of log pilling around existing residential house. As a result, the magnitude of settlements of the house which was improved by log piling with an inclination and the fixed top of logs became quite small., 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系}, pages = {I_489--I_495}, title = {既設戸建住宅を対象とした丸太を用いた液状化対策工法に関する基礎的研究}, volume = {72}, year = {2016} }