@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00059526, author = {ムント, クラウス and グルヴズ, マイク and MUNDT, Klaus and GROVES, Mike}, journal = {外国語教育フォーラム : 金沢大学外国語教育論集, Forum of Language Instructors}, month = {Mar}, note = {Online Machine Translation (OMT) tools such as Google Translate have improved dramatically in recent years. Given the ease of access and the quality of the translation output, it seems reasonable to assume MT is used by students who are taught and assessed in the medium of English, but for whom English is not the first language; for instance to help them read or produce texts in English. This talk summarised observations on the development of online Machine Translation quality since 2014 and considered student use of MT in terms of the implications it may have for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Higher Education., Google翻訳のようなオンライン機械翻訳 (Machine Translation, MT) ツールは、近年飛躍的な進歩を遂げている。MTは、手軽に質のよい翻訳を得られるため、英語による授業を受講する英語を母国語としない学生が、英文の読解や作成の際に利用していると思われる。本講演は、2014年以降のオンライン機械翻訳ツールの発展と進歩を総括するとともに、学生のMT利用が大学教育のEnglish for Academic Purposes (EAP) にもたらす影響について考察した。}, pages = {5--16}, title = {The Abilities of Online Machine Translation and Resulting Implications for English for Academic Purposes}, volume = {16}, year = {2022} }