@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00060823, author = {Murayama, Yasuo and Okayasu, Takahiro and 村山, 恭朗 and 岡安, 孝弘}, issue = {3}, journal = {行動療法研究, Japanese journal of behavior therapy}, month = {Sep}, note = {抑うつ的反すうとはネガティブな認知を繰り返し体験することを指す。反すう傾向が高い場合うつ病リスクは高まるが、反すう傾向が低い場合にはネガティブな認知が抑うつを悪化させるプロセスが緩和される。しかしながら、この抑うつ的反すうが加齢に伴って量的および質的にどのように変化するかに関して、あまり研究されていない。そこで本研究は、大学生群と30・40代の成人群が示す抑うつ的反すう傾向と低反すうの緩衝効果を比較することで、加齢に伴う反すう傾向の変化を検討した。その結果、成人群では反すう傾向が低く、さらに低反すうの緩衝効果が認められた。このことから、加齢に伴って抑うつ的反すうは軽減し、個人はより効果的にネガティブな認知に対応できるようになると示唆された。また本研究結果から年齢に適した予防的介入が議論された。, "Depressive rumination" has been defined as persistent, cyclic, thinking focused on negative aspects of past experiences. Although it has been found that a high tendency to ruminate relates to vulnerability to depression, recent research has reported that a low tendency to ruminate could have a buffering effect on depressive schemas, which would, in turn, lead to a decrease in depression. Little research has been conducted on age-related quantitative and qualitative changes in rumination. The purpose of the present study was to investigate age-related differences in rumination, comparing an undergraduate sample and a sample of adults in their thirties and forties, by examining participants' level of rumination and the buffering effect. The adult sample was found to show a lower tendency to ruminate than the undergraduate sample, and also showed the buffering effect. These results suggest that as individuals get older, they have a reduced tendency to ruminate, and are more likely to cope effectively with negative cognitions. Clinical implications for prevention of depression are also discussed., 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系}, pages = {215--224}, title = {大学生と30・40代成人を対象とした加齢に伴う抑うつ的反すうの変化に関する一研究}, volume = {38}, year = {2012} }