@techreport{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00061089, month = {Mar}, note = {定期市(あるいは一般に露店市場)の盛衰を左右する要因を、「川下の要因」「川上の要因」「行政の介入」という三つのグル-プにわけて考えたい。(ここでは商品の流通過程のうち、消費者により近い部分を「川下」生産者により近い部分を「川上」とよぶ。) 1川下の要因。たとえば大型店の出店は、消費者にとって購買先の選択の幅の拡大を意味する。大型店と定期市の競合はおおむね定期市の衰退を結果する。とくに昭和40年代以降の定期市の衰退は、この要因によってほぼ説明できよう。 しかし、露店市場の様々な商習慣には大型店では代替できないものがあり、この独自性は露店市場の部分的なリヴァイヴァルにつながる可能性をもっている。 2川上の要因。各地の公設卸売市場の開設以降、その地域の定期市がそれまでもっていた生産者と問屋をむすぶ機能は消滅ないし低下した。大正期以降の定期市の衰退は、この出来事によって説明できるかもしれない。 しかし、第一に、公設卸売市場に出荷できない規格はずれの生産物(はね品・B品といわれる)がある。これらの売りさばきル-トのひとつとして、定期市が利用されることがある。第二に、相対的に就業機会に乏しい地域では、(個人ごとあるいは世帯ごとの)多就業の一機会として定期市が利用されることがある。これらの二点は定期市の衰退とは逆の方向に作用するだろう。 3行政の介入。定期市が道路上に開設される場合には、「道路占用権」の問題を通路として行政当局から種々の介入がなされる。この点についてはとくに新潟市の明治期以降の歴史資料を材料にやや掘り下げて検討した。, Major factors which have affected rise and fall of street markets (including periodical markets) in Japan can be investigated from following three points of view. (1) Relationship between farmers and wholesalers The plan of the construction of central wholesale city markets started in the Taisho period on a national-wide scale. After the realization of it some street markets had declined. Because they had lost the important role of wholesaling. But there remain two other roles of street markets. One is to provide farmers with a chance to sell nonstandardized fruits and vegetables which they cannot send to central city markets. Another is to Provide mainly women and aged persons with a chance to run a business on a small scale, the profit out of which may be their pin money or an additional income to their households. (2) Relationship between retailers and consumers Big supermarkets have increased since Showa 40's all over the country. They are apparently strong rivals to street markets. The process of their decline, which had already proceeded after the construction of wholesale city markets, have been accelerated in competition with supermarkets. But the trade custom and the atmosphere in street markets is not perfectly substituted by the modernized one in supermarkets. The reason why some street markets survive nowadays in the restricted areas is that every retailer has his own regular customers, who are attracted not only by the relatively cheap prices of commodities but by the face-to-face acquaintance with retailers in street markets. (3) Relationship between the autonomy of street markets and the local authorities Street markets are usually held on public roads with permission from municipal authorities. The administrative control over street markets had gradually proceeded since the Meiji period, and finally completed after the World War II. For example, street markets at Niigata City have been managed under municipal control since 1950 following so-called advice from GHQ. Municipal control has generally tended to confine the autonomy of street markets and therefore their vitality., 研究課題/領域番号:02610079, 研究期間(年度):1990 – 1991, 出典:研究課題「定期市の変動過程: 盛んな定期市と衰退した定期市の比較」課題番号02610079 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-02610079/026100791991kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作成, 金沢大学文学部}, title = {定期市の変動過程: 盛んな定期市と衰退した定期市の比較}, year = {1993} }