@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000657, author = {多喜, 宗一郎 and 鯨, 幸夫}, issue = {46}, journal = {北陸作物学会報}, month = {Mar}, note = {深層側条施肥を行ったエンレイの成育,収量に及ぼす硫酸カルシウム(石膏)施用の影響を検討した.慣行施肥管理区(対照区)と深層側条施肥区および各施肥区で石膏を株元施用した試験区を設定した.慣行施肥管理区と深層側条施肥区との間では各種成育量と収量に有意差が認められなかった.しかし深層側条施肥区で石膏を施用した場合,慣行施肥管理区より最大根長が有意に長くなった.また,この試験区では百粒重の増加により収量が有意に多くなった.深層側条施肥を行うダイズ栽培で石膏の株元施用を併用する効果が示唆された. Effects of calcium sulfate (gypsum) application with deep and side application of fertilizer on growth and yield in soybean cv. Enrei were discussed. There were no significant differences on growth and yield between deep and side application of fertilizer and control cultivation. One hundred of grains weight and yield were increased by gypsum application with deep and side application of fertilizer compared to control cultivation. It was suggested that gypsum application is effective for growth and yield of soybean.}, pages = {56--58}, title = {深層側条施肥を行ったダイズ品種エンレイの成育,収量に及ぼす硫酸カルシウム(石膏)施用の影響}, year = {2011} }