@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008077, author = {山本, 善一 and 東, 隆祐 and 西村, 芳典 and 上田, 一正}, issue = {8}, journal = {分析化学 = Japan analyst}, month = {Aug}, note = {チタン酸バリウムの粉末試料を四ホウ酸リチウムで溶融し,その溶融物を塩酸で加熱溶解した,この溶液についてその中の微量不純物元素(Al,Ca,Fe,Mg,Mn,Na,Si,Sr)をICP-AESで定量した.チタン酸バリウム試料を溶解した溶液中にはマトリックス成分として,四ホウ酸リチウム,チタンとバリウムが含まれ,これらのマトリックスはカルシウムのバックグラウンドを30%上昇させ,逆に分析線強度を30%減少させた.これらのマトリックスの影響は,各マトリックスをマッチングさせた標準溶液を用いることで補正した.しかし,個々のマトリックスでは,チタン酸バリウム中のバリウム,実試料にパーセントオーダーで含まれるストロンチウムによるイオン化干渉も認められた.市販の実試料9種(98.0〜99.8%)を分析した結果は,AAS,フレーム光度分析により得られた値とよく一致した. ICP-AES was used for the determination of impurities (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Si and Sr) in barium titanate. Barium titanate powder sample, 0.2 g, was fused with 0.7 g of lithium tetraborate at 1000℃ for 15 min in a platinum crucible. The fused sample was dissoloved with 8 ml of (1+1) hydrochloric acid at 150〜200℃ for about 30 min, and diluted with deionized-distilled water to 50 ml, followed by ICP-AES measurement. Lithium tetraborate, barium and titanium as matrix components reduced the analytical line intensity of calcium about 30% and increased the background level about 30% at CaI 422.67 nm. Such a behavior was also found for the other elements determined. By ionization interferences from strontium and barium matrices, the analytical line intensities of calcium and magnesium were increased. For the preparation of calibration curves, matrix of the standard solution was matched with that of the sample solution, i. e. the contents of barium titanate, lithium tetraborate and hydrochloric acid were the same in both solutions. The relative standard deviation was 0.14〜1.62%. The analytical values of 9 kinds of commercial barium titanate samples (purity 98.0〜99.8%) were in good agreement with those by atomic aborption and flame emission spectrometry., 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系}, pages = {631--635}, title = {誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法によるチタン酸バリウム中の不純物の定量(<特集>無機材料分析のためのスペクトロメトリー)}, volume = {35}, year = {1986} }