@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008382, author = {Shioji, Keisuke and Takayama, Junichi and Nakayama, Shoichiro and 塩士, 圭介 and 高山, 純一 and 中山, 晶一朗}, issue = {5}, journal = {土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)= Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)}, month = {Jan}, note = {市町村における現在の地域公共交通施策の現状と課題認識を把握するため,全国市町村に対して公共交通施策の取組状況等をアンケート調査結果で把握した.まず市町村の財政負担面から,市町村の交通政策への取り組みの度合いとその効果及び課題を明らかにした. また,特に「市町村合併」に着目して,市町村の合併規模等の分類を試みるとともに,交通課題認識及びその差違に関する比較分析を行うことで,市町村合併の形態ごとに持つ交通政策の取組状況とその課題を探った.その結果,合併市町村においては,非合併市町村に比べて,実際に交通施策に取り組まれている事例が多く,広面積の市町村ほどその傾向が顕著であることが明らかとなった.We carried out a questionnaire survey for all municipalities in Japan to grasp the present situation of managing public transits and local goverments' awareness of their public transportation problems the problem about local transportation policy. Especially, from the viewpoint of financial aspects, local goverments' involvement to transportation policies and their problems were examined. Moreover, we attempted to classify consolidation of municipalities. We aim to examine local goverments' effort for transportation policies and their problems in each consolidation category by analyzing the difference of their problems awareness and its difference. We found that consolidated manicipalities have much more problem awareness than non-consolidated ones. As the area of municipalities is larger, this tendency is clearer., 金沢大学融合研究域融合科学系 / 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系}, pages = {67_I_899--67_I_910}, title = {全国の市町村合併形態と生活バス交通確保施策の進捗状況に関する比較研究}, volume = {67}, year = {2011} }