@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008484, author = {伏見, 新 and 川上, 光彦 and 片岸, 将広}, issue = {5}, journal = {土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) = Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)}, month = {Jan}, note = {本研究では,金沢市の郊外居住系市街地の中から6町丁目を事例対象地区として選定し,国勢調査等の統計資料や居住世帯調査により,人口・世帯の変動や居住意識に関する分析を行っている.その結果,郊外居住系市街地では,一定年が経過した区画整理地区で人口が減少する一方,非区画整理地区で人口増加がみられること,世帯の小規模化が進行し,世帯分離等による増加が未だ緩やかに継続していること,継続的に一定の新規入居者がいることなどを明らかにしている.また,新規世帯の多くは若年で宅地の分筆による比較的小規模な土地・住宅に来住している実態を明らかにしている.さらに,郊外居住系市街地では,子が独立した世帯や後継ぎのいない高齢世帯の増加が進んでいる等の実態を明らかにし,郊外居住系市街地の都市計画的課題について考察している. This paper studies actual conditions of the suburban residential area and its transformation based on a case study in Kanazawa City. This study was done by selecting typical six districts and analyzing existing data and questionnaire survey data, As a result of this study these are concluded as follows. Although population has been decreasing, the number of household has been increasing. This phenomenon was caused by the decreasing of the number of household members such as single person's family. Younger families newly live at the divided lots which were originally arranged by the Land Readjustment Project and they tend to have environmental problems caused by the small-scale land lot. In general household types were getting smaller and older after younger members leave their home.}, pages = {I_291--I_298}, title = {郊外居住系市街地における世帯と地区の特性とその変容: 金沢市における事例研究}, volume = {67}, year = {2011} }