@article{oai:kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000914, author = {Kujira, Yukio and Grove, John H. and Ronzelli Jr., Pedro}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本作物学会紀事 = Japanese Journal of Crop Science}, month = {Jan}, note = {Varietal differences in root system morphology in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated using seed pack growth pouches in a greenhouse. Different genotypic cultivars, shorter B-288 D for dwarf type, Pioneer 2548, Clark and Madison for semi-dwarf type, Cardinal and Verne for tall type, were used in this experiment under two different nutrition levels (NO3-N ; 10 mg/l and 50 mg/l) with three replications. One germinated seed of each cultivar with primary seminal root less than 1.0 mm in length was transplanted into each seed pack on Dec. 5, 1991. Significant varietal differences were recognized in the spread of the root system, but there was no difference between the nutrition levels. Madison and Shorter B-288 D showed a large spread of the root system, whereas Cardinal showed a small spread. Total root length per plant was significantly different among the cultivars, with Cardinal showing the largest total root length per plant and Shorter B-288 D showing the smallest. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in stem number or leaf number per plant. These varietal differences in the lateral spread of the root system and total root length per plant were considered to be controlled by genotypic parameters. The semi-dwarf gene in wheat that affects the plant type did not influence the spread of root system and total root length per plant. コムギの生産に関わる種々の品種的要因の一つに根系の間題がある.作物の根系は, 土壌環境に対する適応性や養水分の吸収効率等の観点のほか, 地上部形質との相互関連性の面から研究することが重要と考えられる. ここでは, 草丈が遺伝的に異なる品種を材料に用いて, コムギ幼植物の根系形に及ぼす品種間差異をシードパックグロウスパウチを用いて検討した.実験に用いた材料は,わい性のShorter B-288 D,半わい性品種のPioneer 2548, Clark, Madison,それに普通タイブ(Tall type)のCardinalとVerneである.シードパックには,硝酸態窒素(10 mg-N/1,50 mg-N)を用いたHewittの培養液を入れ, 温室内において3反復の実験を行った. 個体の根系開度の品種間差異は, 播種後20日目と25日目において有意に認められたが, 培養液の硝酸態窒素濃度による有意差は認められなかった. 個体あたりの総根長は播種後25日において, 品種間および培地レベル間の双方において認められた. MadisonとShorter B 288 Dは広い開度の根形態を示したが, Cardinalは狭い開度の根系形態を示していた. 他方, Cardinalは最大の総根長を示し, Shorter B-288 Dは最小の総根長を示していた. 本実験の範囲内では, 同じ半わい性品種群の中でも各品種の根系には有意な差異が認められた. 他方, 個体あたりの茎数, 葉数および地上部乾物重に品種間による有意な差異は認められなかった.地下部形質である個体の根系開度と個体あたりの総根長は遺伝的形質であり, 地上部の半わい性を表現する遺伝子に影響されていないものと考えられる.}, pages = {524--530}, title = {Varietal Differences of Root Systems in Winter Wheat Seedlings}, volume = {63}, year = {1994} }